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"Ow!" Peter exclaimed when a monopoly house hit his forehead. He chuckled at Y/n's expression, her lips in a pout and her eyebrows furrowed, her hands passing Monopoly money to his side of the board.

"This is unfair." Y/n claimed, looking over at the board. Most blocks were claimed by Peter's houses and hotel pieces.

"Do you give up yet?" Peter asked, a winning smile on his face.

A groan passed her lips, as she muttered a small, defeating, "yes..."

"Yes! I win! The monopoly king champion!" Peter exclaimed, standing up and throwing his fist into the air. "Crown me!"

Y/n got up, placing a rolled up paper taped together at the edge to make it seem like a 'crown', labeled Monopoly Crown, onto his head.

Peter did a victory dance, while Y/n played We are the Champions on her phone.

He paused when Y/n's phone began buzzing. She checked her phone, to see a voicemail from Mr.Delmar. "Oh, sorry Peter, I got to go."

Peter nodded slightly, "oh yeah, okay-"

"Bye!" Y/n waved, already out of the door.



hi i changed the chapters that have Peter as spiderman.

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