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"Y/n!" Aunt may greeted happily as she opened the door. Her smile was somehow bigger, and her eyes shined brighter than usual.

Her cheer was contagious, as a matching smile fixed onto the younger girls face. "Hi, Aunt May!" Y/n greeted, equally ecstatic.

"Peter!" Another voice was heard behind May, as a man seemingly her age walked to the doorway to give the young teen boy a big hug.

"Uncle Ben!" Peter smiled brightly, returning the hug.

Aunt May looked at her boys proudly, then ushered Y/n into the living room, asking questions a normal parent - figure would.

"I love it so far!" Y/n nodded, answering one of May's many questions. "But sadly I'll be leaving soon." Her smile faltered at the thought of leaving.

Even May's smile dropped, her happy smiley eyes quickly showing sadness. "Awh, when will you be leaving?"

Peter's laughter stopped when he overheard the conversation, turning his head to the two girls.

Ben, who noticed the boy's change in behavior, placed a hand on his shoulder.

Y/n paused, counting the days until she has to leave in her head. "In ten days."

May pursed her lips, holding back a sigh.

Peter mentioned Y/n was just here for a visit, but she grew fond of the young girl, despite only meeting her once before. The smile on Peter's face every day after he came home was enough for May to consider Y/n part of the family.

Aunt May gave a bittersweet smile, "well when you visit again, which you will," she added with a playful tone, "you have to come see us."

Y/n nodded, "of course."

The apartment fell silent until Ben spoke up. "I believe I have yet to introduce myself! I'm Benjamin, May's husband," he gives a proud smile as if he married the most wonderful women in the world, which in his mind, he did. "Ah, but call me Uncle Ben. Benjamin's a bit too formal."

Y/n smiled up at him, taking note of the glimmer of joy in his eye, one that matches May's. "Hello, Uncle Ben. I'm Y/n." She stuck out a hand to shake, but to her surprise, she was greeted with a giant hug instead.

Peter, for the first time since the mentioning of Y/n's departure, spoke up. "Will it be okay if Y/n stayed the night?" He instantly looked at the girl, a light blush tinting his cheeks. "Only if you want to of course."


hi, I'm back!

here's a question, will it be alright if your character is a bit older than Peter? to clarify, the age gap would be 1-2 years

also! give me song recommendations that remind you of this story! I want to make a 30DAYS PLAYLIST. so I'll always have some inspiration when I need it. also music is rad

okay, cue the overused explanation on to why I disappeared...
ignore this if you don't care, it has nothing to do with the story anyway.

so long story short, I've been busy with school. I take school virtually and I've been struggling to finish this semester while keeping my grade up. happy to say I have all A's, but I have a couple of assignments i need to finish before i complete the first semester.

also, I've just been going through what I like to call my 'depressed teen phase.' I went into detail about this on my Rant Book, "ouch" (self-promo: a book of stuff I'm going through, random things I'm thinking and whatever).

plus I haven't been having any inspiration lately. also, something I go over in "ouch", but I'm okay today so I'm just on a writing spree, completely ignore the pile of work I have (:

anywho, I hope you're all doing well! happy new year!! let's hope it'll be a good year, we need it.
and I wish you luck in life because life is hard and it's always nice to have someone believing in you.

hey dude, I believe in you.
and thank you for believing in me, and this story.

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