twenty four

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Y/n, Peter, May, and Uncle Ben all boarded the Ferry to view the Statue of Liberty.

"This is so exciting!" Y/n smiled, looking over at the ocean.

May and Ben decided that Y/n should see the famous Statue of Liberty before she left, and everyone was excited.

"Is this your first time on a ferry?" Peter asked, both in curiosity and attempt to make conversation.

Before she can answer, the group of tourist broke into a collective 'ooh's and 'wow's.

Both teens looked up to see what the excitement was about, only to see the one and only Iron Man quickly flying across the sky. "Woah! Do you think he's going on a mission?" Peter asked in absolute awe.

"I think so," Ben replied.

"Tony Stark is so cool. I want to be like him."

Aunt May scrunched her nose at the thought of her nephew being a genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. The playboy was what bothered her most.

"He has great power," Ben said, "which means he has a great responsibility."

Peter nodded, as this was something Uncle Ben said often, 'with great power comes great responsibility.'

"And there she is, the statue of liberty!" One of the employees of the Ferry spoke into the little microphone. "Isn't she a beaut! She is a symbol of welcome for all immigrants coming to America, as well as a universal symbol of freedom."

"Let's take a picture! Y/n, Peter, stand right there!" May pointed her phone camera towards the two, squinting as the sun hit her face. "Um, I think I got it. Ben, get in the photo."

"We can take a selfie, that way we'll all be in the photo," Y/n suggested. May immediately agreed, flipping her phone into selfie mode.

Everyone squinted from the sunlight reflecting off the phone screen and into their eyes, and their cheeks began to sore from smiling through all the attempts.

"Here," Y/n took out her phone and focused it onto the Parkers. "Smile!"

The three of them showed a matching grin, still having a slight squint because of the sun.

Then, they all sat down to look over their photos.

Y/n stayed standing, leaning close to the rails as she watched the Statue in awe, momentarily closing her eyes to treasure the cool ocean breeze. She opened her eyes when she heard a camera click, quickly turning around to see Peter with a boyish grin as he put his phone down.

"Sorry, you looked pretty," Peter said, the blush on his cheeks easily excused as a sunburn.

Y/n looked down, fighting back a smile, "You're pretty too."

"Kids, pause the flirting and look at these two seagulls!"


true story, when I went to see the statue of liberty the sun was so bright I was squinting 98% of the time.

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