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"Oh!" May giggled, remembering this memory so vividly. "This is little Peter running around the house after his bubble bath." She pointed at a photo with a little boy, running around nude, his wet hair stuck to his head, and a wide carefree smile on his face.

Both May and Y/n laughed at the photo, while Peter sat across them, red-faced. He resisted the urge to yank the photo album away, but that would seem rude. And this was the first time he heard Y/n laugh so hard, and as cliche, as it was, the sound was like angels singing to him.

May then pointed to a photo right beside the other. This photo was the back view of little running Peter. The Aunt continued to joyously laugh at the memories flowing back to her.

Peter gasped and quickly covered his young nude body with his hand, "May!" He scolded, his voice going 3 octaves higher.

"Nice bum, Peter." Y/n smirked.

"Wow," Ned commented after Peter retold the events of yesterday. "She complimented your ass!"


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