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"Uno!" Peter grinned, looking rather smug.

Y/n smirked at him, placing down her card. A wild draw four.

Seeing the card, his face dropped into a pout as he grabbed 4 cards.

"Not so smug anymore, huh, Petey" Y/n teased, the boy rolling his eyes in response.

"Shut up. Pick a color." Peter sighed, a small smile peeking through and brightening up his face.

"Hm, yellow."

"But I never get yellow!" The boy whined.

Y/n chuckled. "I know." She placed multiple skip cards onto the pile. "Uno."

Y/n looked Peter challengingly, placing her final yellow card on top of her several skips. "I win!"

"Wha- you had all the yellows all this time!" Gasped Peter, "I'm... shook."

Y/n facepalmed, while Peter laughed, falling off his chair and wheezing.

Y/n laughed at the sight of Peter wheezing on the floor, trying to catch his breath between his laughs. "You look like a madman."


hello, you crusty biscuits.
here's a nice simple chapter for you (:

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