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"...and Iron Man saves the day once again."

The YouTube video ended, and Y/n removed an earphone from her ear, Peter doing the same.

"Man, that's so cool," Peter sighed in awe.

"What? Walking around in a hunk of metal?" Y/n replied, in a very sarcastic tone.

He rolled his eyes, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "Yes," he replied, returning the sarcasm.

He sighed in awh, running a hand through his hair, "Its just... going out there and saving people, its something I want to do."

Y/n reached over, adjusting his crooked glasses, something Peter noticed she did often. She gave him a gentle smile, "Then do it." She replied easily, as if it was the most simple thing in the world.

Peter looked at her with amusement and doubt, "what?" He asked, unsure if he heard correctly.

"Go save people. You don't have to be a hero to help people," she replied. "Doctors help people. Some singers help people. Sometimes, saving people isn't catching them from a falling building. It's letting them know that they're not alone."

Peter was at lost for words. The two young teens kept their eye contact, a smile painting both of their faces.

And for some reason, today, she was more gorgeous than yesterday. Her eyes shined more, her presence radiated more beauty. And the boy just now seemed to notice.


so hi, i'm back!
and this chapter is not my favorite, but its hinting some things and has a message so i feel its important.
also! cute! romance! things! might! be! coming! your! way! ...maybe.

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