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Aunt May hugged Y/n tightly and gave her a gentle smile. "Stay safe, and don't talk to strangers, you got that? And if you ever need anything, just give me a call-"

Y/n nodded along, giving a light laugh. "I'll be okay, Aunt May, but thank you, for everything. I really appreciate everything you've done during my stay."

May gave her one last squeeze before walking off to a nearby shop, giving the two teens privacy to say their goodbye's.

"Well, this is it," Y/n sighed, turning to Peter. "I'm going to miss you."

"I'm going to missed you too." There was a pause as they both looked at each other, their unspoken words surrounding them in awkward silence.

"Um, the lines for check-in's is starting to get longer..." Peter mumbled.

Y/n looked behind her to see the line of people growing longer and increasingly impatient. The check-in was always the worst part. With a sigh, she nodded in agreement. "Well then, this is it. Goodbye Peter." She gave him one last look before adjusting her backpack and grabbing her suitcase, walking away.

Peter watched in silence as Y/n went through the slow check-in process, and helplessly watched as she turned around one last time to give the final wave goodbye.


May sighs as she placed a hand on her nephew's shoulder. "Ready to go home?"

"What do you think she's doing right now?" Peter asks as he stares at the place she once stood, his hand going over where he was just bitten. "wait a minute..."

"It's only been two minutes, Peter, I doubt she even-"

"May!" Peter quickly interrupts, his shoulders straightening as he looks his aunt in the eye, "I still have so much to say! She can't leave yet! I have to follow after her!"

"Wait, Peter," May quickly scolds. "Have you lost your mind? She already passed TSA, if you follow after her-"

"I'll be right back May!" Peter quickly calls out as he already starts running. His speed was faster than it once was, just as he expected. If he was bitten by a radioactive super spider, and for some reason, he's given super hearing, he should be able to run faster. "What else can I do now?"

The teen boy weaved through the line of people and ran passed the TSA check-ins. He can already hear them urgently speaking into their walkie talkies. "Sorry! I'm not doing anything bad I swear!"

He kept running, his eyes scanning everywhere. "Which gate did she have to go to? What time was her flight? Wha-"


The boy quickly turned to the source of the voice, "Y/n, I couldn't let you leave yet and I don't have much time, the security will catch me any second now and-"

"Wait, security?!"

In a hurry, and without a second to process what he's about to do, Peter quickly leaned closer to the girl and kissed her.

Y/n's eyes widened in surprise, "you... you kissed me."

"Look, I-"

Y/n gently reached forward to fix Peter's glasses (one's which he no longer needed), and kissed him the same way he did to her. "I have to go now," Y/n whispers with a sigh.

The sound of adults running towards the teens interrupts them, "Hey you!" one security yells, pointing at Peter.

They both laugh, "Yeah, me too," the boy agrees. But neither of them budge, smiling at each other like two young idiots with a crush.

Two security guards quickly grabs Peter's arms, yelling at him and walking him away. Y/n watches hopelessly, waving goodbye to the teen who's getting dragged away by cops, and yet is still smiling goofily.


Y/n reached her hand into her pocket and grabbed the piece of crumpled paper, "Peter wait!" She calls out as she drops her bags and runs towards the boy surrounded by grumpy airport security.

Her one hand goes to Peter's neck as they kiss again, her other hand slipping the piece of paper into his hoodie pocket. Peter pulls out of the guards grasp with the new strength he's not used to, and gently holds Y/n's upper arms as they embrace for the last time.

Y/n rests her forehead against his, "I'll be back."

see you in a minute (;

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