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"Peter, just go" Ned yelled in a hushed whisper. Struggling to get his best friend to cross the street.

Peter shook his head vigorously, "You go first!"

Huffing, Ned crossed the street and walked one block, entering Delmar's Deli-Grocery.

Y/n looked up from her phone and smiled as she saw Peter trailing behind.

Ned stood in front of the counter and nudged his friend, who was pretending to read the menu. "Uh.. hey Y/n" Peter mumbled.

"Hello Peter" Y/n greeted, turning to his friend. "And...?"

"Hi, I'm Ned!" Ned introduced, sticking out his hand to shake.

Y/n did the same and shook hands. "Pleasure to meet you. What would you like today?" The girl asked, still leaning against the counter.

Ned ordered his sandwich, then nudged his friend again, but Peter kept looking at the menu pretending to think. Giving a smile to Y/n, he stomped on Peters' foot, causing the boy to yelp in pain.

"Ow! Uh um. A number 5, again. With the pickles and..." Peter trailed off, doing the same 'smoosh' motion he did the day before. He bit the inside of his cheek as Y/n laughed.

"And smoosh it down real flat, got it."

Ned then sat down on one of the chairs, setting down his bag. "Can we study here?"

Y/n just shrugged, "Doesn't matter, as long as you buy something."

Peter nodded, paying for his food then turning to his friend. "Ned?"

"You owe me," Ned responded, raising an eyebrow. "Plus I bought you Starbucks last week." Peter sighed, then paid for his friend.


Both boys sat in chairs, doing their homework in silence. About after 30 minutes, Y/n's phone alarm went off, signaling that it was time to do school work as well.

She sat on a stool behind the counter and began working.


Ned sent Peter a look as if telling Peter to turn around. He raised an eyebrow but looked behind him anyway. He didn't see anything, then his eyes moved to the girl looking stressed over a math problem.

"Go" Ned mouthed. Peter nodded and hesitantly got up, his friend watching the scene unfold while he ate his sandwich.

"Uh hey," Peter said, almost in a whisper. The girl looked up, and he took a glance at her worksheet. "Need any help?"

Y/n groaned, "If you don't mind. My teacher never taught me any of this." She motioned to the last three problems, distressed.

Peter nodded, looking over and briefly telling the girl what to do. She smiled and thanked him, filling in the answers. "So, what school do you go to? Anywhere near?"

"Oh, not near at all." Y/n replied, earning a confused look from Peter. "I'm here because my parents went on a business trip, and they thought Uncle Delmar could watch over me. And this," she motioned to all the homework. "My teachers gave me to do while I'm gone."

"Oh. Well, where do you live?"

Before Y/n can answer, Delmar came through the door. "Mr.Parker!"

Peter looked to the door in surprise, "Oh hi Mr.Delmar."

"Ordering a number 5, Parker?"

"He already ordered." Y/n answered. "He's just been helping me with math."

Delmar looked at the boy with suspicion. "Don't be trying anything on her, Mr.Parker" he spoke in Spanish.

"Wouldn't think of it, sir,"  Peter replied. 

Ned went up to Peter, Delmar still glaring. "Peter, Peter"

"What Ned?"

"I just remembered, I bought Star Wars Lego last night. They won't build themselves."

Peter looked at Ned confused, then realized what he was doing. "Oh! Right yeah, uh sorry Y/n, Mr.Delmar, but I uh, gotta go help... with the legos." The boy looked at Delmar's glare fearfully, then walked out with his things, Ned following shortly after.

Delmar shook his head, Murph meowing. Y/n rolled her eyes, continuing her school work, "boys..." she mumbled, shaking her head lightly. Her small smile never leaving.


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