one week later...

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Peter's phone began to buzz obnoxiously on his desk, signaling he had to get up and head to school. He groaned in irritation and quite literally rolled out of bed, grabbing a random hoodie off his chair and pulling it over his head. Peter stopped to look at the spot his tv once was, the tv Ben's killer stole, along with other things in the apartment. He sighed and shook his head, "looking at that empty space isn't bringing Ben back, stop looking."

Continuing his usual morning routine, he walked into the living room, which looks much empty now with Ben's chair gone. "You're going to wear that?" May questions as she grabbed her purse, "you haven't washed it in a week."

Peter simply shrugged, knowing she was talking about the hoodie. "I'll wash it today when I get home, promise."

May nodded, walking over and giving her nephew a tight hug, something she did daily ever since Ben died. "I love you, have a good day today. We can eat thai for dinner tonight."

Peter gave her a gentle smile, both of the Parkers wearing their brave faces. "I love you too, Aunt May. I'll see you tonight."

On his walk to school, he reached into his pocket to grab his phone, stopping midstep when he felt a crumpled piece of paper instead. "What is this?" he thought to himself as he opened it up. 

It looked as if it was a piece of paper that was ripped off. On it was a phone number, and Y/n's name underneath. He smiled to himself, turning the piece of paper over to see a few words that he assumes was once part of a full sentence, 'eter parker.'

"Hm," he hummed in thought as he read his name

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"Hm," he hummed in thought as he read his name. "I wonder what it said."

Peter proceeds to reach back into his pocket and grab his phone, dialing in the numbers on the piece of paper. He puts the phone by his ear, tapping his fingers on his thighs nervously. He listens to the rings, each unanswered ring sounding louder, until...



"Peter, hi!"

see you all at the sequel (: keep this in your libraries and i'll update once the second book comes out.

black lives matter.

^copy n paste or type it into your browser ♡

if you cant donate, stream the video and dont skip the ads. the advertisement money will go to bail funds and the victims families

(i'll try putting the video here but if it doesnt work, please check out zoe amira's YouTube channel and play the "STREAM TO DONATE" video)

stay safe everyone. remember to be kind to eachother and yourselves.
i love you all

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