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"Hey Peter." Y/n greeted as the boy walked through the door. "Nice shirt." She complimented, motioning to his math pun t-shirt.

"Oh! Uh, yeah thanks." Peter looked at his shirt, suddenly feeling heat rush to his cheeks. "Focus, Peter." he thought, walking up to the counter like he usually does. "Just make conversation. But don't sound like a creep!"

He cleared his throat, tapping his fingers against the counter surface. "So uh, how was your yesterday?"
"Damn it, that's creepy. She's gonna think I'm stalking her or something, abort! abort!"

Y/n turned around from what she was doing, facing the red-faced boy in front of her. "Yesterday?" She asked, raising an eyebrow in amusement. "Why so curious, Parker?"

Peter looked around, thinking of an excuse. "Ned, he uh, he came yesterday and noticed you weren't here. And we bumped into each other yesterday and you had all these bags-" he rambled.

Y/n let out an embarrassed laugh, "Yeah, sorry again for elbowing you."

"Ooh, no, no, it's fine," Peter smiled brushing it off like it didn't hurt. But it did. It felt like he was hammered in the chest by the God of Thunder himself.

"Yeah, I just thought you were some creep or something. Since it was a creepy dark alley,"  Y/n stated.

"No, yeah it makes sense. fine." The boy nodded. "So, if you don't mind me asking, what did you do?"

"Rode a Subway, it was horrendous." Y/n said, making a disgusted face - causing Peter to crack a smile. "Got some New York shopping done, y'know, the usual." She concluded, shaking her head at the thought.

"Oh, that's awesome. Yeah New York is pretty cool."

Y/n smiled at the cute boy in front of her. "I suggest you leave before Delmar comes, unless you intend to order something."

Peter nodded, giving Murph a little rub under the chin. "Right, yeah thanks. Well um, bye"

"Come again, Pete"

"I will!"

Y/n once again watched him walk out the door, waving when he stops midstep to look back at her before fully leaving.

"I like him."


hey dudes.
sorry to take so long, but I'm backkk!
I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
and,, self promo, check out my rant/randomness book for some updates + get to know me (:

drink some water,
and eat some healthies,

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