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"Peter?" May called out.

The boy stopped and turned to his aunt, who was standing in the kitchen. "Yeah?"

"Is that," she waved her hand towards his shirt, a dish towel hung over her shoulder. "A new shirt?"

Peter looked down at his shirt. Black, with the words "Physics is theoretical, but the fun is real." It was still warm and held a clean scent as if it was just pulled out the dryer. "Uh, yeah."

May smiled lightly, having an idea of where it came from. "It looks nice on you."

"Uhm," a light blush appeared on the teenage boys face as he muttered a shy "thanks."



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"And here we have my best friend, Peter Parker." Ned whispered, pointing his phone camera on him. Peter sat on his desk, mindlessly doodling on the corner of his worksheet. He then saw Ned recording and gave a hushed laughed.

"Ned-!," he lowered his voice as a teacher walked by.

"Say hello, I'm blogging now." Ned smiled, zooming the camera into his friend's face when the teacher turned his back.

"Hello," Peter nodded. Ned ended the video and slipped his phone into his backpack. "So-"

"It's just for us. Like a video diary." Ned answered, already knowing his friends' question. "Memories, y'know?"

"Yeah, yeah. That's cool," Peter agreed.



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guess who's back,
back again-

also you guys seem to actually like this book which is crazy?? and I'm living for your comments. you guys are having actual musicals down there, bursting into songs all the time. love that

start a chain - make friends!
unless youd rather read and be antisocial like me.

30 Days [Peter Parker x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now