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Peter paced his room, waiting for the sound of knocking on the door. May was in the living room, watching tv, completely aware of the guest who would soon be arriving.

When she first heard what would be happening, May basically lit up in joy. Her boy was bringing a girl over! She already took out Peter's baby pictures to shamelessly embarrass him.

Peter, however, wasn't as ecstatic. He was a nervous wreck! What if Y/n didn't like his home, or May somehow didn't like her. He thought of all the horrible things that could happen, one including a car bursting through the wall and somehow causing everyone to hate each other. And May, he knew she was going to embarrass him in some way. He only really invited Ned over. And oh- all the times he talked about the beautiful girl at the Deli, hopefully May didn't remember that.

The sound of three knocks on wood blended into the dialogue coming from the TV.

"Peter, she's here!" May stood up excitedly from the couch, immediately sitting back down by the look of her boys face- his eyes screamed anxiousness, and she wasn't the type of person to embarrass her teenager in the first 5 minutes, no, she wanted to wait until sweet Y/n got comfortable at their home. Then the embarrassment can begin.

Peter took a deep breath before opening the door, "Hi, Y/n," he greeted, gesturing his friend inside.

She smiled gratefully in return, stepping inside and immediately getting a hug from the kind atmosphere. The apartment smelt like home, and it was easy to tell there was much late-night laughter embedded into the walls.

"Y/n, this is May." Peter introduced, motioning to his aunt who immediately got up from her seat and walked to the doorway.

"Hello!" May smiled warmly. When Y/n returned the gesture and said hello in response, she was immediately pulled into a sweet gentle hug. "Come in, I got thai food!"


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