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"How to... get a girl... to like... you," Peter mumbled to himself as he typed this out on his phone. He clicked the first link to pop up, which was wikiHow.

His eyes briefly looked over the titles of each step, scrolling down to Part Two of Three: Stay out of the Friendzone.

As he read through the steps, he spoke to himself, "I must be desperate if I'm using wikiHow."

"Okay, Step one, flirt

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"Okay, Step one, flirt. Make eye contact, and smile." He took a deep breath before opening the doors to the Deli.

Y/n immediately smiled as he walked over to the counter. "Hi, Peter."

And just like that, all his preparation turned to dust in a snap. "Heyyy, Y/n." Peter greeted awkwardly, immediately regretting the extra long 'Hey'.

Y/n mindlessly ran her hand across the counter, before resting her elbows on it. "What's up?"

Peter gulped, noticing this action she did made her an inch closer than she was a second ago. "Not much, not much, yeah. Just, homework and stuff. Uh, you?"

Y/n let out a dramatic sigh and talked about the events of her day, which consisted of nothing interesting. Peter nodded, "Step one to flirting, eye contact."

Peter took a nervous step closer, then looked into Y/n's eyes as she talked about a customer complaining about the sandwiches not being like Subways.

When she finished talking, Peter gave a smile, maintaining eye contact. He thought he was being flirty, but it was more awkward then attractive.

"Come on, Relax dude." He cleared his throat, "You know, if... you uh, if you were a fossil- I mean," he took a deep breath, "You-must-be-a-red-blood-cell-because-you-take-the-oxygen-out-of-my-lungs-and-bring-it-right-to-my-heart," Peter spluttered, like an Eminem rap.

Y/n fixed her posture, taken aback. "I'm- what?"

Peter took a step back nervously. "Can... May I take you out on a date?"


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