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"This shirt," Peter said, picking a floral gown that looked like a grandmother's pajamas.

"Peter, that's not even a shirt," Y/n told him, shaking her head. The boy laughed at this, the sides of his eyes crinkling and the sound of his laughter bouncing off the walls in the surprisingly empty store.

"It'll look amazing on you!" He reasoned through his laughs.

Y/n just rolled her eyes, a smile creeping up onto her lips. "Shut up."

Peter smiled at her like a 5-year-old who proudly drew on the wall. "Make me," he blurted without a thought.

There was a pause, blood rushing to both of their cheeks. "Um, I mean-"

Y/n just laughed it off, taking the floral gown from Peter's hands and putting it back on the rack. "Keep looking."

Peter stared at her as she continued walking in between racks of clothes, checking for her size and making sure cute shirts didn't have a weird phrase like 'but first, tacos.'

"Petey, you'll love this!" Y/n said, her face lighting up in joy. She picked the hanger off the rack, a black shirt hanging off it. "The physics is theoretical, but the fun is real," she read off.

Peter looked at the shirt, smiling at it. "I love it! I'm going to wear it forever," he said, hugging it close to him, the hanger whacking him in the face.

He flinched, now holding the shirt at an arm's length, the hanger drooping down from the weight. "Naughty."

They both shared a laugh, earning looks from employees.

"I think... we should pay and go."



hi sorry i've been busy.
but here's a chapter.

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