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"Hey Y/n- oh, Mr.Delmar!" Peter hid the look of shock and confusion from his face and looked around, placing his hands in his jean pockets. "Do you uh, know where Y/n is?"

"She went out, Parker."

"Alright, thanks. Have a nice day!" Peter ran out of the little store and looked around, avoiding the flow of people.


"Subways suck" Y/n mumbled as she crossed the road. Walking back to the Deli with some shopping bags in hand, she hummed her favorite song that was currently stuck in her head, careful to not hit anybody with all her bags.

The handles began digging into her arm, so she stopped by an alley to drop the bags and let the circulation flow back. "Okay Y/n, you've seen the movies, don't do anything stupid... This place is so creepy." 

Someone's voice spoke up, "Y/n?"

In fear, she screamed and elbowed whoever was closest to her.



"Oww," Peter groaned, leaning over, clenching his chest where he was elbowed.

"Oh my god! Peter, I'm so sorry!" Y/n apologized, her hand over her mouth in shock.

"Its... ugh, it's okay." He winced, knowing he would have a bruise there the next morning.

Y/n giggled, straightening up his glasses. "What are you doing here?"

"I just saw you here and wanted to help with the bags."

"Oh, okay, thank you," Y/n smiled, as Peter took half the bags. He struggled a bit but smiled it off.

Y/n picked up the other half of bags, and they both walked back to the deli.

a/n;hello! how are you liking this story so far?anywho, im currently busy with packing (yes lads, im moving) so the update schedule will be wonky

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hello! how are you liking this story so far?
anywho, im currently busy with packing (yes lads, im moving) so the update schedule will be wonky. i'll write chapters whenever i have free time, like right now, im writing chapter 5. and my goal is to update at least once a week, so let's see how that goes.

i hope you all have a nice dayeveningnight!
drink some water,
eat some healthies,
ily ♡

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