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Y/n yawned as she closed her textbook, swinging her legs as she sat on a barstool behind Delmars Deli-Grocery's classic counter.

She stared blankly at the cash register, which was only used three times throughout her 'shift'. Petting Murph, the girl sighed to herself, having nothing to do. Murph purred in satisfaction. 

Her face held not only a bored expression but a tired one as well. She stayed up the night before, window shopping with her friend, and cute customer, Peter Parker. She smiled lightly at the memory.

"Are you sure you arent cold?" Peter kept asking, as each chilly breeze blew by.

"Yes, I'm fine" she kept insisting. But couldn't resist the slight shiver as another chilly wind blew. Peter smiled at the girl and gave her his jacket.

"Here. Can't have you catching a cold." He said, a teasing glimmer in his eyes.

Y/n laughed, the sound blending in and disappearing into the sounds of the sleepless city. Cars honking, people talking, and music blasting.

Y/n smiled fondly at last night's memory, touching the sleeve of the jacket she still wore. It was raining out, and that was the perfect excuse to wear his jacket. 

With a content hum, she opened her little notebook and pen and wrote a large 8 at the title of her page. With her elbow resting on the countertop, the sleeves of the jacket reaching her palm, Y/n leaned her head against her hand and began writing, 

"Day 8 at Queens, New York..."

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