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"3 years ago"


A huge crowd of thousands of fans are standing in a queue outside the arena getting their entry the bands tied to their hands, BTS concert written on it along with their place in the hall permitting them to enter inside for the concert soon to begin. They are all cheerful and excited having light sticks, posters, cameras all prepared to enjoy the evening with their favorite idols many made new friends in the way all discussing about their bias and about each other, while some were clicking selcas with their idol's standees.

The arena has a huge hall, it is a place which has marked the presence of world's famous celebs who performed here like Lady Gaga, Celion Dion, kpop legends Big Bang etc. The walls were covered with large posters of the four idols there were flags of BTS used as decorations all around the hall and their standees placed near the entry. There was tight security everywhere and things were running smoothly.

Aside from all this the four idols were busy in their own world they were practicing on the stage till now and were now in their room looking at their costumes which were hanged neatly with each members name labelled on them. They were there for eating and resting a bit but still one member was restless as he took hold of Namjoon's hand and dragged him to one corner of the room. Hyung already knew what the younger wanted still he let himself get dragged by the younger.

"Hyung.." Jeongguk chirped.

"No" RM cut him before he could even complete the sentence which made him frown.

"Hyuuuuunngg please" younger whined.

"N.O" RM was stern.

"But hyung, you know me" Jeongguk said almost pleading.

"That's why NO" RM deadpanned.

Jeongguk was frustrated now" Hyung you know very well if I didn't go out right now, I don't know what will I do in the concert, I will mess it up for sure." He sounded nervous.

"Listen this is really a huge place, I don't want to play 'finding Nemo' again with you lost there" RM was not taking it easily this time.

RM sighed and took a glance at the other two members, J-hope was practicing some dance steps in the small space between the furniture light music playing in the background while Suga was busy in his mobile, they were busy in their own world unaware of the whining younger who sometimes made RM question why he even opted for leadership, he could have lived tension free like the other two were right now.

Jungkook had this habit since the first day of concert, he always felt nervous as the time for the performance comes near, so hyungs oblivious to what wrath they are pulling on themselves advised him that he will feel good if he will look at his fans faces, their excitement and cheerfulness will calm his nerves, and so Jungkook made it his habit to take a quick walk to the place where the fans are and watch them from a distance, and it did work each time, it made his inner storm to calm down.

The three elders always hide this secret of Jungkook from the staff but last time the crowd caught him and recognized him instantly making them rush to reach to their idol and it took a lot of effort to control the situation by the staff and security and also to find Jungkook who hid himself in fear of crowd and scolding from hyungs. Fortunately, he was found by hyungs and was saved from the scolding or may be thanks to his team who saved him and always give up scolding him seeing his innocent face, the hyungs are so protective over him that they do not let Jungkook being sad or scolded for anything but the concert was delayed for couple of hours.

Jungkook definitely knows that he is their weakness and that may be the reason that he was pushing so hard to make his hyung let him escape for a short time.

"Hyung I will be good just this time, pleaseee" he looked at RM with innocent, pleading eyes.

" You say that in every concert" RM takes off his eyes from his mobile which he took out to show Jungkook that he was not listening but was of no use as the younger was determined. "And aiiiisshhh...stop with this innocent look, it won't melt me this time." RM was trying hard not to say yes.

"hyunggg" Jungkook whines while pouting.

"Seriously who taught you this" RM gave up when the younger giggled "Ok" RM looks at the wall clock, " You have 20 minutes, call it a deadline, after that I won't take your responsibility" he adds.

Jungkook's face brightens up "you are the best " he hugs RM and collects his hoodie jacket and mask and walks out of the room in an instant.

Namjoon sighs, it was a tiring conversation for him, he was about to sit on the couch when Yoongi startle him.

"You lost again" Yoongi comments lifting his head from the mobile to face shocked RM.

"I..I thought we...were whispering and you two were busy in your own world" RM stutters still not believing.

"He can't win against Jungkookie" J-hope mocks RM, falling on place beside Yoongi.

RM scoffs "talk about yourself, and I thought you both were not listening, why didn't you helped me?"

"We knew the outcome, so what was the need to interfere....and it's not the time to discuss that now, come on get up let's play our role before I fall asleep or the staff barges in, you handle the manager, J-hope will keep other staff busy, I will get the boy back on time" Yoongi gives commands to them getting up lazily and goes off.

RM still not moving from his place, J-hope pats his shoulder to tell him to get with the plan they nod at each other and move in different directions.


Present day

"I didn't knew at that time that, that one day will become one of the most memorable day of my life." Jeongguk says....

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