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Yugyeom approached Jungkook few days later after meeting him at the bar, Jungkook didn't remember much of what he did after Minho left, Yugyeom made him recall and told about his feeling boldly to the other. Jungkook felt awkward, he had thought of moving on but everything is going too fast, it's like yesterday he came to know about the truth Taehyung was hiding and now there is someone ready to help him to move on. He felt wierd and felt like he was still not ready, he asked Yugyeom for sometime to think about it which the other agreed on.

Jungkook found himself standing in front of the room with the name 'Dr.KIM SEOKJIN' written on a white, rectangular metal plate plastered above the door. The one who knew Taehyung better and could help him was this man. The receptionist informed him that he had only 30 minutes till the doctor's next appointment, Jungkook went inside the room to be met by Jin who gave him a worried look, of course his sudden meeting made Jin wonder what could have possibly gone wrong.

"Is everything going well Jungkook?"

He came forward embracing the younger warmly, Jungkook sighed feeling like home, like Taehyung.

"I am here for an advice which I think only you can give"

Jungkook said looking at the elder who was looking him intently reading his every movement.

"You are confused whether to move on or wait right?"

Jungkook's eyes widened and he gasped, he never took Jin seriously when they used to meet usually playing or cracking jokes or acting of their age but after Taehyung left, Jin also lost his half soul blaming himself for not being a good guardian. Jungkook felt pity and felt like he should have spend time with the elder because he was also suffering like Jungkook.

"Namjoon told me that Yugyeom approached you, he also told me that you are thinking of moving on so what is the problem, you are not ready yet?"
He looked at Jungkook's face searching for answer.

"Hyung if you were Tae, would you have liked it? Me moving on?" He sat down on the chair Jin sat opposite to him leaning his back comfortably on the chair.

"I thought of it always...if I were Taehyungie....I don't know kook I feel like I am not strong like him...he asked it himself... little Taehyungie also used to sacrifice his treasured belongings just to make his siblings happy, he will deal with it too he is strong, if that what you fear"

He smiles at the younger, though inside he knew Taehyung last string and reason to remain alive if he is still Jungkook..but he can't say that to Jungkook, he doubts if even Taehyung knew it himself, the younger needs to enjoy life, he can't suffer like this, no one knows whether they can see Taehyung again and he can't make the younger wait like him for Tae, he has tried a lot and didn't get any lead of Taehyung being there, he feels helpless but Jungkook need happiness in life he deserves it. Being more determined Jin continues.

"Namjoon told me you are friends since trainee days so I think it's good to get to know him more...if you are afraid don't do any commitments just give him a chance, you have to stop thinking about Tae...our heart Jungkook, people say makes us weak, but I feel different, it can also make us strong, it's like it has strength and weakness, you were engulfed by it's weak side give chance to the other side you will be shocked to see how it will make a place for Yugyeom"

"I don't know something is stopping me I just feel it's not right, hyung can you move on?"

Jin looked at him lovingly "he has a place which can't be taken but he went leaving with me two adorable babies" Jin pinched Jungkook's cheeks "you and Jimin, I am not alone I guess, I will be there for you two"

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