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Jimin walked into the room after an hour to check his friends, he missed Taehyung a lot and wanted to tell him all that he missed during past years. He entered the room calling out his friend's name.


But as he looked at his friend, Taehyung shushed him, whose palms was on Jungkook's ears to block Jimin's voice. Jungkook was sleeping soundly, his head was rested on Taehyung's chest and hands around his waist, holding him tight in fear of losing him again, he was so tired that after crying and apologizing to Taehyung several times he fell asleep. Taehyung on the other hand couldn't resist to stare at him, he was also feeling sleepy but was fighting it hard as if trying to cover up all those years he missed looking at Jungkook from close.

Jimin frowned watching his friend going all lovey dovey again.

"At least wait till you are discharged from here" he whispers mocking him.

Tae smiles showing his finger heart and mouthing "just go" showing his boxy smile.

Jimin rolls his eyes and leaves, he is weak for his friend's happiness.

Jungkook stirs in sleep and opens his eyes slowly and finds Taehyung looking at him with love and care.

"Tae you are not resting" he shows concern still sleepy.

"I am"

"How can you when I am literally occupying most of the space?"

"I don't feel bothered"

He palms Taehyung's cheeks "you need to rest to get well soon, don't you feel sleepy?"

"I don't want to close my eyes I am scared I will lose you again" Taehyung whispers.

Jungkook frowns listening this "who said I am leaving you, I am right here holding you, when you will wake up I will be here with you okay?"



Jungkook hugs Taehyung tightly and both fall in deep slumber.


Jin pats Jungkook's arm lightly to wake him up as it was time for him to take medicines, he glances over Taehyung who was possessively clutching on the sleeves of Jungkook's T-shirt, Jin smiles watching the two smitten beings in front of him.

"It's time to wake up baby" Jin moves the bangs falling on Taehyung' forehead. Taehyung whines not wanting to wake up.

Feeling Jungkook trying to move he opens his eyes slightly.

"Ggukie..." He tries to hold back Jungkook.

"I am here Tae, you need to take medicines now so wake up" he smiles.

Taehyung was awake now, glancing around he gasps looking at all the hyungs watching him.

"I...I am fine, please don't stare" he assures showing his boxy smile, getting a laugh from them.

The doctor arrives checking the monitors and drip, noting down Taehyung's condition, asking him several questions, he asks the nurse to gives Taehyung medicines, leaving the room with Jin to discuss on progress.

Jimin arrives with the food. They all decided to have the meal together.

"It's time to have food" Hoseok chirps taking his place.

"I will feed you" Jungkook sits besides Taehyung.

"What about you?"

"I will eat with Jin hyung if they will leave food for us" he glances at the others who were attacking noodles like hungry beast.

The Truth Untold // Vkook ✔️Where stories live. Discover now