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Jungkook's POV


No answer.


No answer.


Tae was about to call me again for the tenth time when he heard a low groan.

"Jungkook just listened to the boy before I lose my patience" Yoongi hyung said annoyed, while the other members snickered.

I looked at Taehyung who smiled getting my attention and called my name again "Gguk"

"Tae I have so many letters to reply to, can't you wait? " I said trying to keep my voice as low as possible.

"But Tae is bored" he whispered and pouted, which made others coo at him .

"What about you eat pizza?" I suggested while writing a letter.

We were in the apartment sitting on the comfortable carpeted floor around a table with short legs which was easy to do work. We used to receive a lot of letters from fan and try to reply them whenever we get free time from our schedule. We had a stack of letters piled up near us, and though Taehyung had no role in this but he was there because I always wanted him to be with me whenever I was free from recordings or shoots or from tours etc. He was sitting on the couch to my right at a distance with snacks at one side and a pink bunny plushie on his lap.

"Not hungry" he smiled.

"Oh you can play games...there are many" I told him writing a letter.

"Not interested" he giggled.

I turned to him and he showed his boxy smile sinking his chin on the plushie's head.

"Don't crush it" I pointed to the plushie.

" is so soft and...." He looked at hyungs " Hyung doesn't it look like him, look at the eyebrows, Gguk frowns like this" he chuckled, I frowned listening this.

Hyungs laughed and nodded " maybe that's why the fan gave him this" Hoseok said.

Tae smiled and turned the bunny, now facing him "Gguk I am bored" he said to the plushie with the same expressions as he used for me, I wanted to kiss him but I shouldn't be distracted.

"Maybe you can watch me writing letters, I am a real candy to watch" I said wiggling my brows and grinning.

Hyungs shake their heads in disbelief while Tae rolls his eyes.

"I think pizza was better option" Tae teased me making hyung chuckle and me pout.

We flinched when Hoseok hyung screamed "I finished my letters" and did his famous hand dance which cheered Tae.

"Tae-tae would you like to play game with me? let's see who wins" he said cheerfully.

Tae's face brightens up but mine drops, I don't want him going away from me for a second when he is with me but before I could say anything he said yes and stood up dropping the plushie alone on the floor.

"That's a lot of care you showed it" I glared at him annoyed that he was leaving me there, he gave me a smile and left with hyung to the other room.

Only ten minutes were passed but it felt like an hour since Tae and hyung went to play videogames. I could hear their shouts and laughs and my focus was on the door of the room, I was hardly able to concentrate on the work, I called Tae to spend time with me not with hyung but still he was there, there was this feeling which people called jealousy surging through me and I didn't realised that I was staring at the letter, it was when Yoongi hyung tapped my shoulder that I came to know what I was doing.

"You should stop...we already know you won't be able to complete your work now." He said looking at me then at the letter I was staring.

"All you are doing is glancing at the room" Namjoon hyung commented folding his letter.

I dropped my pen on the table and sighed getting their attention, they were horrified seeing an evil smirk followed by grin on my face.

I knew what I needed to do, I stood up and walked towards the room. I went to Tae who was focused on the game same with the hyung, I took hold of his wrist, both looked at me dumbfounded and paused the game, I made Taehyung stand up and dragged him with me towards the door without saying a single word, he was shocked and was trying hard to read my expressions and was only able to call my name but followed me quietly when I didn't gave a response.

I could hear Hoseok hyung yelling and cursing me before following the two of us out of the room and I only smirked at that.

Next thing I remember is I was sitting satisfied and focused on writing, grinning widely while still holding Tae's hand who was sitting next to me amused and blushing, leaning his head on my shoulder. In front of me was hobi hyung who didn't failed even after several minutes to give me death glares and two shocked hyungs on each side of us who were too shocked to speak a word and were still processing what just happened.


Present day

"That's it for today" I smiled looking at my attentive listeners.

They were amused and were looking at me in disbelief and I chuckled at that.

"And here I thought till now that my girlfriend is the only one possessive because of her interrogation on everything I do" Tuan said looking at the girl who glared him back and laughter filled the room.


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