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That name was all that made Jungkook lose his balance, his grip on the mobile loosened making it crash on floor, Yugyeom was worried with the sudden action and horrified face of Jungkook, he was pale and it looked like he will go into panic attack if not taken care of, Yugyeom looked at him, his mind wandering to all the things that could have happened to make Jungkook act like this, he bent down to pick up the phone, when he heard the voice and came to realize that the phone was not disconnected, he glances at the now shivering Jungkook and brings the mobile near to his ear listening Namjoon's voice from the other side.

"Kook you are listening right...are you okay...we also don't know how but Jimin called and informed that they found Taehyung.. Kook you are there right" Yugyeom grips tightens on mobile, out of all the possibilities this was the least he expected, he never wanted the other now in his life, his blood boils and he disconnects the call, keeping mobile to the side.

His gaze fixes on Jungkook whose focus was on floor tears streaming down his eyes, his hands were still shaking, Yugyeom hugs Jungkook possessively to make sure he won't leave him and also to calm both of them, but Jungkook pushes him away standing up abruptly.

"I...I have to go... Tae is here...he wants me..." He looks around for his phone "where is my phone...I have to Jin hyung..." He panics and continues murmuring making Yugyeom annoyed, he grabs Jungkook shoulders too tight making Jungkook look at him in shock and pain.

"You are not going anywhere" he glares Jungkook "Did you hear me?"

Jungkook just looked at him in shock. "You and him have already broken up, you send him out of your life, you didn't even know where and how he lived past 3 years and with WHOM, still you want to meet him? Are you crazy? Stay with me" he calms a bit thinking he kept a valid point in front of the other but Jungkook was furious now, he glares Yugyeom clenching his fist.

"Leave right now"

"No, I won't, you will regret it again, kook it's for your own good, if you want I will let you meet him, but nothing more than that" Yugyeom said as if not minding the other's mood.

"I didn't say yes to your proposal, we are nothing so stop telling me what to do" Jungkook wanted to push Yugyeom out of his way. Only Taehyung name was ringing in his head.

"How pathetic I feel right now, I should have known this will happen, I can't even blame you, curse you, or say that you used me because I brought this upon myself" Yugyeom loosened his grip on the other's shoulder, laughing sarcastically with blurry eyes, and pulling his hands back.

Jungkook's expressions softens realising Yugyeom's state of mind but he can't help it, he too is weak and helpless, miserable too to be with him, he kneels down in front of Yugyeom joining his hands to apologise for causing pain and suffering to his friend's life. Yugyeom was taken back by the gesture, he had not thought that the other would do something like this, but everything happening at the moment was not thought of either so he remains quiet letting the other speak.

"I am sorry Yugi...I never deserved you, I tried hard these six months I just tried hard but couldn't feel it, I am not myself...I was long of someone else, I can't help it, I am sorry...I won't be able to give you happiness you deserve more I am just a shell without Tae and only he can fill me up...I am sorry if I am hurting you again and again.. I was always selfish even when I was with Tae I considered only about my feelings never thought how lonely he might be while I always was busy, I started going out with you even when somewhere inside I knew I won't give up or move on over Taehyung, it's just that I got another chance to amend my mistakes, please I am sorry..." He apologizes repeatedly lowering his head in guilty.

"Go" Jungkook stops hearing a soft voice. He looks up seeing silently crying Yugyeom making his heart ache more.

"Just go" he speaks clearing his throat.

"Yugi..." Jungkook whispers feeling pity for him.

"No..just go before I change my mind again and stop you" he looks in other direction not able to meet eyes with Jungkook.

Jungkook stands up bowing to apologise again and rushes out of the room leaving behind Yugyeom who wipes his tears and chuckles looking at his wet palm.

"I pity you can't even be friends with him now"


Jungkook calls Jimin while reaching his car. He hears the panicked voice of the other, and questions immediately " where is Tae?"

" did you come to know" the other asks hesitantly.

"Tell me where he is" he asks frustrated and gets seated in the car starting the engine putting phone on speaker.

"He is in hospital"

"Why? Which hospital?" His grip tightens on the seat belt, he was wearing.

"Jin hyung and I was having our lunch together when he got a call from work, they asked him to hurry to the hospital immediately as a person is in critical condition tried to commit suicide and identified as his brother Kim Taehyung....when we reached​ there doctors told us he ate pills to end his life, a lot, I haven't seen him yet, he is still unconscious and under observation" Jimin sobs.

Jungkook stops the car breathing heavily. Resting his head on the steering wheel holding it tightly to calm himself.

"I...what was he thinking, I have not seen Jin hyung since then, he has been busy getting ensured that he gets best medical care, I don't know what to do, I am scared alone" Jimin whimpers.

"I will be there, just wait a bit more" Jungkook consoles him, and speeds off to the hospital.

"I won't let you leave again Kim Taehyung"


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