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Jungkook and others felt the chilled air brushing them as they walked out of the car, it sent shivers to them, the winter has knocked it's way and the city will soon be covered in white blanket of the soft snow, they walked hurriedly inside the building to feel the warmth again, it didn't took much time when the cheerful psychiatrist welcomed them, letting them in, in his apartment "Right on time, I just prepared food" Jin said with a bright smile, which made the others smile too except Jungkook who didn't seem to be in a mood to smile.

"Heyyy.." Jimin said coming out from other room of the apartment, smiling warmly at them, his hands tucked in his jeans pockets, he looked at Jungkook contemplating whether to hug the other or not but then gave in when the other didn't even smiled looking at him. Both Jimin and Jin glanced each other noticing the same thing that something is wrong with Jungkook.

They sat down on the pale colored comfortable couch in the drawing room. The apartment was big, lavishly decorated and aesthetically pleasing, it's wall had pastel colors, with a beautiful chandelier hanging from roof in between the room. Jungkook didn't sit on the couch his eyes was fixed on one of the walls of the room which had a dark green color paint and on it was a big poster size picture pasted of Jin and Taehyung together. They looked so happy, Jungkook walked towards the wall his eyes not leaving the picture of the brothers.

"Tae was in a very good mood that day, I surprised him with my visit and took him and Jimin to Jeju, we really had the good time there, Jimin took this photo" Jin told Jungkook standing near him, looking at the poster

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"Tae was in a very good mood that day, I surprised him with my visit and took him and Jimin to Jeju, we really had the good time there, Jimin took this photo" Jin told Jungkook standing near him, looking at the poster. Jungkook fights back his tears which were about to fall.

"Why are we here hyung" he asks controlling his emotions.

"We can talk about that later, after meal" Jimin said feeling the tension in air.

"Yes, I am so hungry" hoseok said trying to lighten the mood.

"Sorry hyung, but I have waited enough and now I can't handle it anymore" Jungkook says to Hoseok and turns towards Jin who looked sympathetically at him.

"Hyung you are having such a big apartment, yet Tae was there living alone, you are a psychiatrist yet Tae was struggling each day, he had us yet he felt lonely, I LOVED him yet he was with MINJAE, I gave him my time, love, attention, care, everything hyung everything yet he left me like I was nothing for him maybe I was never anything for him, after all Minjae would also have done the things I did for him" Jungkook laughs sarcastically, tears falls from his eyes he wipes them, he was not thinking straight the emotions taking over him, his expressions turning grim.

" here I am an idiot, searching for him for like two years,and what is he doing living with some other guy, or maybe fucking others or may be.." Jungkook couldn't finish his sentence because of the sting he felt on his cheek from the slap.

Jimin was furiously grabbing Jungkook's T-shirt in his fist, his face was red with anger, Namjoon, Hoseok and Yoongi looked at them in horror while Jin looked at Jungkook with pity.

"Enough Jungkook, you said more than you need to" Jimin said furiously glaring the other.

"Leave him Jimin, let him take out his anger, he is right, it is more than 2 years" Jin tried to calm the younger while others came towards Jungkook who was also glaring Jimin.

Jimin stood a few steps away from Jungkook still glaring at him " I won't this time...I won't" Jimin barked " he forgot about whom he is is about our Tae and I don't fucking care if I have to slap him once again"

"No, this is not what I have called him for" Jin was holding Jimin by his shoulders. Jungkook was angry, shocked, sad many emotions running through him to form words to speak so he just listened the other two.

"I don't give a damn...what does he know about Tae honestly, and it's your fault too stopped me from telling him anything and that moron too who always wanted to spread happiness without opening his mind out to his loved ones" tears trickled down Jimin's eyes his chest heaving to breathe in air, Jin hugged him rubbing his hand on jimin's arms.

" Huh... it's easy for you to say something like this because you are not the one who got was can never understand how it feels like to see the one you love secretly meeting someone else, lying to was not easy for me....I told him the day he introduced me to the other that I don't like them together, Minjae was clingy and I can't stand it, in the party too he was trying to get all of Tae's attention, but then I should have known it was me who has to back away not Minjae, I was the one being played on, they were dating while he was still with me" Jungkook was furious remembering all those past memories.

"Oh yes dating....that's all you know... that's all you can think of and talk about, I thought you forgot about it...but how can you? The Possessive Jeon Jeongguk of whom Tae was fond of, madly in love are telling about all this...go fucking ask your CEO why he did that..not us.." Jimin yelled.

"JIMIN" Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok and Namjoon shouted in unison.

"It's too much now need to stop" Jin was also losing his calm and practically scolded Jimin who was crying and Jungkook was still trying to analyse the words the other said.

"What....what do you mean ask CEO...what has Tae to do with him..what is it that I don't know? What happened? " Jungkook was shocked and panicked.

"Kook it's nothing" Namjoon patted him.

"No, what is it you all are hiding from me" Jungkook shrugged Namjoon's hand.

"Tell him hyung, after all he is right about what he was going to say earlier but couldn't say because I interfered....may be Tae is dead" Jimin cried

Jin closed his eyes in an attempt to not remember the awful past.

"Jungkook, Tae once tried to kill himself" Jin's voice was almost shaking and he was not able to look at other in the eyes.

"WHAT" the three idols said in shock not believing what they heard.

Jungkook moved back in disbelief holding the wall for support, he was pale,he fell on his knees as the shock was much to handle.

"Suicide" he could only whisper under his breath before keeping a hand on his mouth to shut the sobs from escaping.


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