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3 years ago...

At the Olympic arena

Jungkook put on his mask and hoodie as soon as he left the room and was walking in the corridor confidently..why was not his first time. His goal was to reach near the hall entrance door so that he could see the fans, however crazy it may sound, it was Jungkook who was famous for being bold and fearless, most of the fans were already seated and were chanting and singing their songs. The hall was huge and round, so he has to be quite alert to not to be caught by staff. But again it was Jungkook and he wouldn't mind feeling like one the hero of spy movies who is on mission that he is fond of.

Jungkook was relieved to find out that there was less staff scattered along the corridor so he easily passed the way and was able to reach to the stairs as the elevators had high chances of being used by the staff. He was smoothly making his way to the place when a voice caught his attention. He gulped because he was caught.

"Hey you, where are you going?" a security guard said pointing at him and was slowly coming his way. Jungkook had only few seconds to think of a good reason.

"I...I am lost sir, where is the way to the washroom please?" He answered innocently though stuttering a bit.

The guard eyed him suspiciously "you are not allowed to roam over here."

"Can you tell me the way to the washroom, I was looking for it" Jungkook wanted to leave, he was sweating now.

The guard was looking at him head to toe which made Jungkook to fidget " you are here to watch the concert right? Where is your band and take off your mask" guard said sternly.


Jungkook was pale. What should he do now. Damn the security! He thought. He lifted his hand from his pocket to remove the mask when he heard a familiar voice.

"Are you the head guard here" Yoongi said walking towards the two.

Jungkook was more thankful to his hyung than the gods, who came like an angel to save him, Yoongi was acting as if Jungkook was invisible not paying a single glance at him and only focused to the guard.

The guard recognised the idol in front of him and bowed to him "is everything alright?" He asked concerned.

"You know last time our member got into trouble and since the place is big he is a little scared and there is basically no security at our floor can you make him certain that he will be fine." Yoongi tried to act his best.

Jungkook took the moment as a chance to step back from them so that he can run from there, but came to a halt when he heard the guards voice again" you, the washroom is to your left and get back to your place don't roam here again" he warned.

"Yes sir, thanks, I forgot my band in the washroom I will collect it and leave" he bowed and ran towards the direction he was directed to, leaving behind Yoongi and guard who were talking again as the guard was confused why would the idol take the pain to talk about the matter when they have staff to deal with it.

Jungkook sighed in relief as he reached a corner near the washroom passage from where he can see the fans clearly, he got a perfect spot where the fans cannot find him..or that's what he thought.

He bend down a little from waist to peep hiding behind the wall his head sticking out from the side of the wall. A wave of happiness rushed through him watching his fans all energetic, enjoying the moment, taking selfies, doing fanchants from time to time, he inhaled sharply, it was worth taking all the pain.

After few minutes of watching them, he felt a presence of someone behind him, "Are you spying on somebody" the person behind him spoke in a deep voice making Jungkook flinch and the person chuckled at it. Jungkook turned abruptly to find the person in same position as was he few seconds ago.

Jungkook was frozen, he was not able to move. The deep voice sent shivers to his spine..and as if that was not enough, the ethereal beauty standing in front of him made him shook. He was glued to the wall, eyes wide just staring at the person in front of him. He had beautiful eyes with big eyelashes that can speak the language of their own and were waiting for the answer from Jungkook, he tilted his head a little in confusion and blinked his eyes, making Jungkook skip his heartbeat, those big eyelashes is he for real, what a beauty Jungkook mind was speaking to him and Jungkook was agreeing to it internally.

Jungkook was staring looking shocked at the person making the person smile and that confirmed Jungkook that this out of the world boxy smile was one of its kind and will be death of me.

Is this love at first sight..yes..

Are you gay Jungkook? think..and Jungkook composed himself to face the situation clearing his throat but still not taking his eyes from him and after mustering courage he answered shaking his head to say 'no'. Really brave.

"You are staring you know" the person broke the silence again amused and standing straight.

"" Jungkook mumbled in mask taking his eyes of him but still glued to the wall for support because he was feeling weak for no reason.

" I can't hear you clearly" the person said and before Jungkook could understand the boy lifted his hand and removed the mask off Jungkook's mouth sliding it to his chin.

Jungkook heard the gasp but he was not able to understand of what shocked him the most..the one that he is exposed or the second the beautiful pink lips of the boy which were now in his focus.

The boy took few steps back in shock, he turned pale and quickly put his hand on his chest to calm his beating heart that was now on marathon. " Jung... Jungkook...the Jeon Jungkook" he stuttered still not believing pointing at Jungkook.

Jungkook then touched his face to fully realise actual meaning of exposed, he quickly put the mask back, ' who does that? He took off my mask, this boy has no manners, he should have asked like the guard before, oh my God I m exposed' he panicked thinking about it.

The boy looked at Jungkook from head to toe. Deja Vu Jungkook thought. He bit his lower lip and smacked lightly on his nape to come out of whatever trance he was in after all he is looking at the famous heart throb standing in front of him whose beauty and personality is known and recognized by world. He then rubbed his hand on his jeans and extended it towards Jungkook.

Jungkook shake hands with him feeling calm and warm with the touch, the moment was interrupted when the person opened his mouth and said-

" Hi...I am Jeon Jungkook..nice to meet you Kim Taehyung."

Wait what!... The boy thought shocked.

"Eh..." Jungkook said amused.


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