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Next morning Jungkook found himself alone on the bed as he woke up, he frowned and starts looking for Taehyung, he walks towards the kitchen hearing the laughter coming from inside and leans on the door watching his brother, mom and Taehyung laughing at something Byung told them about, she made both the boys have a bite of the rice cake she made. Jungkook feels left out and decides to join them.

"Good morning" he greets them getting their attention, they smile seeing him he hugs his mother.

"Gguk are you okay, why did you wake up so early?" Taehyung specially pulled down the curtains so that Jungkook could sleep well.

"You left me alone there" Jungkook pouts.

"Sorry, I wanted to spend time with Mom" Taehyung rubs his nape feeling shy.

Byung glances at the two boys looking at each other lovingly "mom, do you want cheese, look here they are selling it free of cost" he makes a disgusted face. Seo-Yeon laughs cooing at the couple.

Jungkook ignores his brother and drags Taehyung with him to their room and hugs him closing the door behind.

"I won't be able to spend time with you today too" he rests his head on Taehyung's shoulder becoming sad thinking about it.

"It's just for a day Gguk" Taehyung runs his fingers on raven locks.

"If I can, I want to see you all the time" 

Taehyung smiles "you will get bored"

Jungkook breaks the hug looking at Taehyung in the eyes "Never" he pecks Taehyung's lips.

"So what will you do today?" He asks.

"Oh! I am little nervous for that you know me and Dad are going for fishing and...."

" and you... fishing" Jungkook was amused.

"Yeah...he said so" Taehyung pouts thinking of yesterday's events "you know it's difficult to meet your boyfriend's family for the first time and that too alone"

"Sorry, I know but I can't help it, was he harsh or something?"

Taehyung shakes his head "he was like any parent would be" he smiles "dad made me promise him to never make you cry again"

"I know I won't when you are with me" Jungkook hugs him again.

"Seriously Gguk, you are actually selling cheese today" Taehyung laughs and kisses Jungkook seeing him pout.

Jungkook kisses on his forehead "stay away from my brother, he is a bad influence" Taehyung laughs looking at his adorable boyfriend.


"People find it boring but I feel this is the best part of fishing, waiting for the pray to get caught" Mr. Jeon proudly tells Taehyung who just nods in response looking around the place. He was feeling tired, after a drive to Haewondae beach, and then dealing with the fishing boat Captain, finally getting a boat, though he did find it interesting how Mr. Jeon like a pro tied the hook to the line, attaching weights, baiting the hook and casted the line, they were now waiting for the fish, who seemed to be smart enough to smell the danger, because it was taking a lot of time.

"Patience... It teaches us patience" Taehyung felt like talking to saint by the way Mr. Jeon was talking to him.

"Byung has none, and Jeonggukkie has no time, so I have to do it alone if a friend also ditches can just wait for the pray and think of the life you are living, it's like meditation son, calming yourself, thinking of the ups and downs in life, finding solutions..." Mr. Jeon keeps on talking looking at the far away point which Taehyung doesn't get. He was amazed, he never thought fishing could have such health benefits too.

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