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Present day

Jungkook has no grudge towards Jimin, how can he, they are good friends, Jimin is the one that can most likely know the way Jungkook is feeling because he is also going through the same phase, but the other wants something from Jungkook which Jungkook has no power to agree with nor he wants to do it.

Jungkook knows he can't avoid the other for long so he reaches his dorm to find the angry male sitting on a sofa and no sign of his hyungs anywhere, he knew they must have left to let the two sort out the matter.

He has changed a lot in 3 years kind of matured, he is 23 and got a job now as a dance teacher, he is more busy in his life, but when he thinks of how Jungkook is dealing with the loneliness he can't stop himself but to help. He himself is trying hard to overcome with the pain.

"You were not answering my phone, where were you?" He said irritated

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"You were not answering my phone, where were you?" He said irritated

"Somewhere, I was busy" Jungkook responded taking off his shoes.

"You are still searching for him, right?" Jimin asked now standing away from the sofa looking at Jungkook.

Jungkook ignores the question and walks towards the kitchen without even glancing at the other.

"Kook, you have to stop it, please" Jimin said softly laced with concern.

Jungkook doesn't respond and drinks the glass of water, looking anywhere but not at his direction.

"Don't avoid me, it's more than 2 years now, we have lost our hope, he is not there anymore, so stop it please" Jimin begs

Jungkook was now angry, his grip on the glass tightened, out of all things in the world he doesn't want to listen this, he throws the glass in sink in frustration, which breaks like his heart is breaking with each passing day, confirming that the love of his life is gone and won't come back, he broke the promise of being together always. Jimin flinches with sound of it and looks up from pieces of glass to Jungkook who was hurt, broken, lost and angry.

"NO, it is you, them who have lost hope, I will never, I am living here in this beautiful place, living a king's life and then he is there, I don't know where, what he is doing, how he is living, he was always fragile, alone, innocent, why didn't he shared with me anything? Was I not worth it Jimin-ah ? I want to ask him, protect him, I .....I want him "
Jungkook looked at Jimin for the first time after he entered the dorm, his voice wavered and tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Jungkook you have to accept the truth, he is gone" Jimin said wiping his tears

"Stop it please, don't say that, he would not..." Jungkook couldn't complete his sentence he falls on his knees and starts crying.

Jimin comes to him hugging him, patting his back, they have always been consoling each other time to time " he wanted to kook, he wanted to tell you everything, but he couldn't, how could he, he said to me once 'I would rather bear all the pain than to let ggukie be worried and cry, Jiminie I want to make him happy, I don't want to be the coal who will hide the shine of diamond from the world'......
There were many things going on in his life and he wanted to keep you safe and away from it"

The Truth Untold // Vkook ✔️Where stories live. Discover now