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Taehyung takes several shots, pleased with the outcome. Seo-Yeon gasps looking at the camera hiding her face

"I am not photogenic, son" she smiles. Taehyung raises his eyebrows hearing it.

"You are kidding right, these are so beautiful, now I get how Ggukie is such a handsome model" Taehyung shows her the pics from the camera, making her blush at the comment.

They walk towards the chairs sitting comfortably there, Seo-Yeon watches Taehyung patting Betty's head.

"Son, I hope Jeongguk is not bossy around you" her gaze was fixed on Taehyung. Taehyung turns to her, smiling warmly.

"No, it is quite opposite" he turns his gaze towards the Cherry blossom tree, contented with the beautiful view

"it was actually opposite......he was soft, caring, sometimes vulnerable too around me...but now he has become more protective for me, I feel he fears that I would leave him again or harm myself....Gguk...he was the one who unintentionally was healing me before, I realized it when I was told to stay away from him, he is doing it now too. I just don't want and can't see him sad" he smiles remembering the other's bunny smile.

"I have never seen Gguk so happy, contented before, he has this nature of not getting satisfied with what he does so if you think he is the one giving you everything then believe me if he is healing you then you are also teaching him how to live and control emotions. I feel this is how relationship works, both are equally important, you can't say one did more than other"

"I don't know why we haven't met before" Taehyung laughs Seo-Yeon joining in.

"Me too son, I think the same"

"Mom, what was so urgent that you called me several times...." The young man pauses in his tracks entering the house looking at Seo-Yeon and Taehyung. He was of the same height as Jungkook and handsome like him, but looked mature than him.

"Oh my god! How come Jeonggukkie managed to hide that beauty from media" he pointed at Taehyung making him blush. Seo-Yeon eyes widens.

"BYUNG" she scolds.


"Hiii....I am Taehyung Kim" Taehyung was hesitant.

"Byung-hyun, you can call me Byungie, Jeongguk's elder brother" he grins, shaking hands with Taehyung

"Where did you go without informing me, I told you to be always at home whenever Gguk arrives" Seo-Yeon scolds Byung pulling his ears.

" hurts mom" was all he could say before she drags him in, Taehyung follows them with his boxy smile not leaving his face.

"This is how you will treat your son in front of the guest" Byung rubs his ears as his mother removes her hand. Seo-Yeon gasps.

"Guest....don't call him guest, he is a family member now" she chirps and smile looking at Taehyung.

Byung shrugs and walks towards the table picking the apple from the basket he slumps on the sofa gaze fixed on Taehyung "How does it feel to be with that brat?" He takes a bite of his apple.

Taehyung amused with his behavior sits on the opposite side of him, Seo-Yeon leaves them be "out of the world experience..."

"I didn't ask in bed" he scoffs, Taehyung blushes take aback with the sudden statement.

"BYUNG.....I can hear you" Byung rolls his eyes being warned by Seo-Yeon.

Taehyung snickers "like every fangirl would feel?" Taehyung answers more like a question.

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