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Present time

Jungkook's POV

After our successful tour to Japan we returned back to Korea and were welcomed by the fans and the noise of clicks from the cameras as we went outside to our cars I could hear the thunder of the clouds after the final waving to our fans, we sat in our car. We were only half our way when the heavy downpour started. Yoongi hyung and Hobi hyung were discussing on some matter while Joonie hyung was selecting pictures to tweet. I was tired and looked outside the window when, the rain and the warmth inside the car reminded me that something like this happened before too that always brought smile to my lips.

3 years ago ••••

It had been months since we performed at the Olympic hall and we had tight schedules back to back, fansigns, concerts, tours to nearby places, shows etc. I was exhausted from all the work and was leaning to my car seat and looking at the window where the raindrops continuously fell, it was like music to my ears, I was watching it peacefully, the hyungs were already in dorms after the shoot I was the last one so I was on my way. I looked outside the glass to see people running or holding umbrellas or standing in shelters to protect them from getting soaked by the sudden downpour, such a normal and free life I thought and sighed. My eyes fell on the dark color coffee mug logo with 'HARU'S CAFE' written beside it in big,bold and italics on a board. I thought that I have heard it somewhere. The place was slowly coming to full view as we were nearing it, then the memory of the incident in the arena hit me and I told the driver to stop the car, who looked at me questioningly but did as was told. Before he could ask I went off the car and in no time I was standing in front of the cafe. I pulled my mask and hoodie up to not be the centre of attraction.

I took a deep breath and pushed the door, making the wind chime near the door to produce a beautiful sound with the air hitting it, the fresh aroma of coffee hit my nose. The place was spacious with symmetrical arrangements of round tables and comfortable chairs, covering the place, the corners were decorated with big flower vases and potraits on walls the entry was made like a lobby separated from sitting place with the colorful flower pots aligned in a row, which ended up near a round pillar and few metres away from it was the counter. The atmosphere was soothing with the beautiful music played in the place. I felt calm there, and to my relief only two or three tables were occupied that means not crowded for me to worry about.

I was looking all around the place when my eyes fell on a person who was the reason I was here. He had his back towards me but with each step I took I can see what he was doing.

He was busy talking to customer showing his breath taking boxy smile, which made me unknowingly smile, his pink lips were moving smoothly and his neck muscles were tensing with the way he was talking to them pointing towards the menu, I now noticed his fingers were long and looked soft and his skin glowed in the light that was falling from the ceiling bulbs, it looked as if he was putting all his strength with facial expressions and gestures to explain them about something I couldn't hear. His white shirt sleeves were folded up to his elbows and a black apron was tied to his waist and he was wearing a black trouser below. I don't know for how long I kept staring at him hiding behind the pillar.

"You will make a hole on his face, if you kept staring like that" I was brought back to Earth by a sweet, thin voice.

I looked at the speaker and recognized him he was the same person whom I met in arena, his smile was making his eyes more small. I scoffed " I am not staring"

He looked at me raising his eyebrows from head to toe. I don't understand what's their problem.

" I think I know you because I can recognize someone easily after meeting them once"

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