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Please put on the music for this chapter...

Audience waved their light sticks with awe at the selection of song, they quiet down to get submerged in the beautiful voice of the idol. The place was dark only Jungkook as the main focus, his hyungs were standing behind stage fingers crossed that the younger may not break down as he doesn't look well.

As Jungkook started singing the first line of the song his mind went back to the memory sub-consciously, tightening his grip on the mic. He could feel the lyrics...

"JUST LEAVE" The scene played again in his mind while singing.

Taehyung slumped on the floor sobs leaving his mouth, as if defeated by the harsh reality and cried hugging his knees, but then as if suddenly gaining his energy back he stands up wiping his tears, buckling his belt, running his fingers on his hair to make himself a little normal from the mess he had become, he opens the door and runs towards the elevator through the corridor and presses the button many times impatiently to escape the place.

Jungkook doesn't move from his place even though he felt that the other has left, and also felt the pain in his chest of losing the other, he gripped the T-shirt over his chest hard to control himself but lost it when his ears perks up as he hears the 'ding' of the elevator door he rushes out of the room his feet doing actions of their own, he sees Taehyung getting inside it, and pressing the button again as the door starts to close Taehyung glances at Jungkook one last time, their eyes meet, his red and swollen eyes with the shocked and regret one of Jungkook's.

Jungkook heart broke again seeing Taehyung leaving, he is letting other leave...he can't do this...what has he done...he can't live without the other..Jungkook shouts shaking his head furiously "No! No! No! No..." running towards the elevator but Taehyung just shake his head slowly telling the other to stop approaching him, tears rolling again on his cheeks and the door closes.

(A tear rolls down his cheeks while singing which was not gone unnoticed by audience)

He rushes towards the elevator door which was closed now and called the name of the other painfully, pressing the button multiple times getting no response he beats the elevator door with his fist, as if it could open the door "open

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He rushes towards the elevator door which was closed now and called the name of the other painfully, pressing the button multiple times getting no response he beats the elevator door with his fist, as if it could open the door "open..I.. it please... don't go... Tae..I am..s..sorry", he slumps down leaning his head on the door and cries his heart out that he was controlling till now, "please...d.. don't leave me Tae.. please" he cried resting his head on his arms still knocking at the elevator door harshly, he didn't notice that his hyungs engulf him in a hug as they come out of the same door calling his name to get his attention but he was lost, just grieving on what he has done, he could have talked, asked the reason, he cried more  thinking of how he reacted in the room, his hyungs were running circles on his back to console him sitting on the floor with him. He stood up suddenly trying to run after Tae "I have to..s..stop him hyung" he cries but they hold him tightly, he was really difficult to handle but they hold him, not letting him go.

(He closes his eyes making several tears fall down, trying to control himself, he has to be strong for his hyungs and focussed on good memories...good memories of Tae)

He remembers the first time he heard that deep voice from behind him, and the boxy smile the other gave him when he looked at him

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He remembers the first time he heard that deep voice from behind him, and the boxy smile the other gave him when he looked at him....the way other nervously fidgets with his fingers or bites his lip when shy, and blushes when he teases the other, his ethereal face that can steal heart of anyone, his cute pouts, the way he used to hide his face behind the bunny plushie when shy, his warm embraces that always took Jungkook's worries away, his giggles that warms Jungkook's heart, the way he used to take care of Jungkook, but also whining for a piggyback ride when tired, his stupid acts that made hyungs laugh and ruffle his hair, the time when they just look in each others eyes and his hand rubbing others cheeks, the way he scolds him when Jungkook acts arrogantly, how he get jealous when a girl get too close while talking or taking photo, their first snow together and the way they irritated Jimin together. The one time they tried cooking something but burnt it getting scolding from Jin afterwards and most important of them all the way other's lips felt against his, warm, soft, full of love, sweet promises and being only his.

He smiled remembering all of it and wiped his cheeks and eyes, he can remember their moments and he will treasure it, keep it in his heart safe.

He opened his eyes and listening the loud applause and hooting from audience, Taehyung always liked the way his fans appreciate his performances and he too no doubt.

He opened his eyes and listening the loud applause and hooting from audience, Taehyung always liked the way his fans appreciate his performances and he too no doubt

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Remembering one last time Taehyung he smiles widely at them now bowing to them, he has become quite professional.

The M.C praises him so does the others on the show, telling him they cried with him, it was so soothing, and how talented the youngster is, the way he felt the song did justice to it.


They sit in their car ready to leave. His hyungs didn't talk about the performance thinking they might make him uncomfortable, they just glanced Jungkook from time to time who was sitting their quietly with his eyes closed, he was making up his mind on a big decision that he thought it's the time to take now..

He will move on...


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