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Nothing was going as Jungkook thought it should have. It's has been two days and they were still not allowed to meet the boy, though the doctors assured them that he is out of danger but was still under strict supervision. Jungkook was not able to meet Jin as he was very busy, the one that he met the elder, pitied his form, he had dark bags around his eyes, looked tired and broken but was also contented to have Taehyung back. He informed Jungkook that Taehyung came to Seoul for some work few weeks back and was staying in a hotel, he was brought to the hospital by his assistant who saw him lying on the floor with pills scattered around and rushed to the hospital with unconscious Taehyung.

Jungkook looked at his cup which was now filled with coffee and sighed, why? The only question that roamed in his head was why? Why did Taehyung had an assistant? Why did he ate pills? Why all of a sudden thought of ending his life after all these years of struggle? Just why? He groaned getting no answers, maybe he should look for that assistant of his, but he was too busy to meet him.

He turned around and saw his hyungs looking at him.

"What happened hyung?" He asked tasting his coffee.

"Kook I know it is not the right time, you are not in your best mood, you feel horrible and wants to be here with Taehyung but this is important" Namjoon said looking at Jungkook who grimaced both by the taste of coffee and knowing what Namjoon is going to tell him next.

"The photoshoot that was to be done day after tomorrow is scheduled 3 hours from now and we have to go there like right now" he explained

"No" Jungkook said sternly.

"Jungkook we have no choice" Hoseok says politely.

"But..I can't... Tae is still unconscious, I don't will I?"

"We know Kook but sitting here also won't help, we can finish the work and then can have break for next day or two" Yoongi tries to reason.

"But I...."

"They are should go, Tae would have said that too..come back fast..he will be here with me and hyung so don't worry" Jimin interrupts Jungkook walking to them, he was listening to their conversation.

"Ok" Jungkook sighs ready to go half heartedly, what else can he do "keep me updated" he tells to Jimin who nods softly, assuring him.


The shoot took long then expected and with each passing minute Jungkook was losing his patience. Jimin informed him that they were allowed to meet Taehyung now and he and talked to them too, Jungkook felt relaxed but was irritated too that he was stuck here. He was very tired with the shoot, he hardly slept as he had other important things to do which were more important than rest. After finally completing the shoot and thanking everyone they were told to rest.

All four went straight to the hospital, Jungkook was more in hurry so he almost ran to the room, but as soon as he came near the door, he became nervous, events of their breakup and Taehyung's past came in his mind, he stopped there shaking a bit, too nervous to walk will he react? How does Taehyung look like now? Will he talk to me? Will he love me again? Does he even remember me? He panicked but his train of thoughts came to a halt when he heard a giggle from inside the room. Then he heard Jin's voice telling them some joke and his windshield laugh followed by groaning of one of the male.

"Don't interrupt hyung, come back to cliche Tae really pills...which movie did you watch recently" Jimin mocked.

Jungkook heard the chuckle, a sweet chuckle in a deep voice, that he was eager to hear for long.

"Sorry Jiminie" he said. Jungkook closed his eyes tears rolled down his cheeks, he was only hearing this voice in his head but now it was for real.

"Huh whatever"

"Taehyungie you will have daily sessions with me so that we can be assured that you are fine now and won't do this again, for now you can rest" he heard Jin's voice.

"Why are you standing here?" Hoseok asked Jungkook patting his shoulder.

"I...I don't know how to face him hyung" Jungkook hesitated.

"Awww...but it's not melting my heart...after almost killing us with your looks in last few hours now you are hesitating, follow us" Yoongi walked forward Hoseok and Namjoon joining him. Jungkook walked slowly behind his hyungs entering the room, his head was hung low, he was ashamed and was still contemplating how to face the other.

"Ah! Here are our idols... Tae they missed you a lot" Jimin glanced at Jungkook and was amused to see him hiding behind his hyungs nervously playing with his fingers.

"How are you Tae? You really scared us" RM said concerned.

"It's good to have you back" Yoongi smiled looking at him.

"I always had a hope that you will return" Hoseok chirped.

He gave them his boxy smile which melt their heart. "I am good hyungs" Jungkook touched to where his heart is feeling it beating fast.

"Thanks! I feel like I have finally returned to my family" Jungkook hears Taehyung voice breaking a little.

Jungkook got worried and looked at Taehyung, Taehyung was sitting on the bed leaning on the headboard, his one hand had IV drip inserted to it while the other had pulse meter attached to the finger, hands resting on his sides. His skin looked pale, but still his beauty made Jungkook heart skip its beat, he changed his hair color to greyish blonde, he looked ethereal even in the hospital's simple dress. Jungkook was captivated in the beauty in front of him that he forgot what others were talking about.

"Hey Jungkook why are you hiding there?" Jimin teased

Both Jungkook and Taehyung stiffened hearing the name. Taehyung got nervous he tightened his grip on the bedsheet.

"Tiger" Jungkook's warm and loving voice made Taehyung heart beat fast, he closed his eyes, he was longing to hear Jungkook call for him. Jungkook was not able to say anything further as he felt a lump in his throat.

Jin patted on Taehyung's hand mouthing " it's alright". The elders along with Jimin left the room at once leaving the two behind.

Taehyung glanced at Jungkook and was amazed to see him, was this handsome man once his? He couldn't believe he once knew and was with someone so handsome and charming like Jungkook, his sharp features and his personality looking like a baby but acting like a man who can skip your heart beat in one look, it took a lot of courage for Taehyung to finally speak.


That was enough for Jungkook to lose control on his emotions, tears started falling from his eyes, Taehyung heart broke watching Jungkook break like that he lifted his hand for Jungkook to hold, Jungkook instantly came forward holding his hand in his both smiling in between tears, but soon cried together apologizing to each other, Jungkook sat on the bed pulling Taehyung in a hug both shedding tears on each others shoulder.

Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok and Jimin were watching them from the entrance, smiling with eyes filled with tears and adoration for the two, they closed the door letting the two reconcile though they knew their hearts were never apart from each other.


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