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Time was moving fast for me, it was like yesterday that I met Taehyung and now we both talk, text, meet each other whenever we get time, we were really close with each other and I was falling deep for him with each day passing by.

He became quite frank after sometime and then I came to know new side of him, he was like an innocent, cute child who will whine for small things or will ask for my full attention, 'kookie this kookie that', I was used to his blabbering, sometimes when I was alone I could hear his voice echoing in my head, and then at other times he used to be quiet, as if in deep thought, or in pain but he would change it suddenly and smile brightly, looking at me. I wanted to know more of him but my packed schedules forbid me from doing so.

I used to call him whenever or wherever I get time to do so, he was very understanding and that made me feel proud of him, hyungs used to tease me that I am growing up acting maturely for him and I wanted to do that too, I wanted to give him all the happiness and protection that he would fall for me more just like I have and would always stay with me.

We used to meet sometimes at his work and I could spend my entire life watching him making coffee for me and blushing, he was my angel who was brightening and filling the dark corners of my heart making me complete. I would smile just by thinking of him, staff noona's used to tease me sometimes when they notice this.

These simple but euphoric moments became the part of me, I remember it clearly, it was during the month of September, I had a show few days ago in which I had to sing a song along with one of the legendary singer who was also my ideal, to say I was nervous was an understatement, he was happy with my performance and praised me. I was satisfied, but then when it aired people started criticizing me that how my voice wavered, my notes were not to the point, I would have almost spoiled the performance if it was not for the other to make it up, and many articles came out regarding it, earning negative response like this was new to me, I felt like I let my hyungs and ideal down, what would they be thinking of me, CEO will scold me, how could I do it and I cried in my room, thinking all the negative things that could happen. Though our company took actions against cruel comments, and the topic was going to die down soon but I couldn't come over it.

My phone rang, it was Taehyung, I wiped my tears and cleared my throat before answering the call.

"Hello!.....bunnnyyyy...gukkkiiee" Taehyung chirped.

I smiled listening his cheerful voice.

"Tae.." was only I could answer.

"Kookie I am proud of you" I heard him say that out of nowhere "ouch..." He said as if someone smacked him.

" Sorry we are proud of worked hard" I still didn't get why I was getting that praise for I don't deserve it. I heard giggling of kids.

"Tae who is with you and what is this praise for?"

"Oh! I am with some naughty kids" he whispers next part "they are your fan just like me" and laughs, and who am I to not smile listening that beautiful sound

"so when I said that, they asked me to include them too because we should praise each other for their hard work"

" have read it right... articles about me...maybe they were right I would have become over confident and haven't practiced hard, I let everyone down" tears rolls down my eyes and sobs leave my mouth.

"Hey gguk be strong...and yeah I read that but don't think that you let us down, we know how hard you work for each performance and how dedicated you are, never question yourself, you really did good, I saw that performance and beside having that angelic voice you were looking damn hot, I drooled too" he laughed trying to cheer me up.

"Aiissshhh...Tae stop it." I blushed and smiled at the compliment, my eyes and cheeks still wet.

"But I did miss the note" I said remembering it again.

"Should I come there...are you in Seoul?..where are hyungs?" He asked worriedly.

" No we have a flight tomorrow...I can't face hyungs" I tell him.

"You know today Yeri, the kid I am playing with told me something very nice, you should listen too"

Before I could say anything Taehyung calls Yeri and I heard him asking Yeri 'tell oppa what your teacher said when your classmates said that you may lose in the competition', she giggled "oh that!"

"Hello" I heard a cute voice of a girl.

"Hi Yeri" I tried to sound happy.

"Oppa she said when you are at the top, expectations become high so don't be sad when..."

She forgot and stopped in mid and then I heard Taehyung helping her to complete the sentence.

"When somebody points your faults, just be more focussed and give your best."

"Yayyy.." I heard Taehyung and other kids cheering her and also clapping for her and I was smiling widely now feeling more relaxed talking to him.

"So did you get it, don't lose hope, things like this should motivate us not make us feel down and hyungs would definitely be worried for you mark my words"

" Tae...thank you...thank you for believing in me" I said getting a bit emotional.

"Can I kiss her cheeks she was so cute" I asked happily.

", but you can kiss mine" I am sure he must be wiggling his eyebrows and having a wide grin on his face.

"I am feeling sleepy though...may be next time" I said pretending like yawning and playing along suppressing my laugh.

"Bunnyyy" he whined.

"But you should rest, you look tired, I am going to hang up, these kids are trying to touch my bag" though he was telling me to take rest, he sounded more tired than me.

He shouted "heyyy....don't touch my bag..aiiisshh...bye ggukie have a safe journey goodnight " in a hurry and disconnected the call.

I stared at my phone..what are you doing to me Taehyung. He may be tired dealing with kids. A knock on the door got my attention, hyungs were standing there looking at me worriedly when I opened the door, I smiled and hugged them saying sorry, I could feel they relaxed with it getting into a group hug.


Present day

I got a call from Jimin asking me to come to dorm immediately, he sounded furious and a little nervous too, so I left the library, I know I can't avoid him for long.


P.s- You can comment, I won't mind..

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