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(Please put the music on for the chapter ahead.)

"Kook, he is hiding behind the" Jimin shouts informing Jungkook who was holding a big ball of snow that he made to throw at Taehyung who was hiding from him.

Taehyung peeps from behind the car and runs for his dear life seeing Jungkook approaching him with a grin on his face and the snow ball in his hand.

" traitor" he shouts while he gets hit by the ball and hears the two laughing at him.

"You both are dead" he says making 2 snowballs and running towards them to take revenge.

Their laughs and shouts could be heard from far. They were playing in snow for like 30 minutes in Jimin's house,his garden was big, covered with snow, their overcoats were wet, they were shivering as the snow was falling slowly.

Taehyung threw the snowball at Jungkook who intentionally let Taehyung hit him, but he sneezed afterwards alarming Taehyung who came forward and took hold of Jungkook's hand.

"Gguk you forgot your gloves?" Taehyung noticed it now, Jungkook gave him a sheepish smile.

"Your hands are so cold, do you want hyungs to scold me?" Taehyung takes out his light green mittens and pulls them onto Jungkook hand making Jungkook wear it and also making him wear his pink beanie.

"There you go...cute" Taehyung pinches Jungkook cheeks.

Jungkook looks at his hand and then at Taehyung "what about you? Won't you catch cold now? " He pouts.

"Excuse me you two, I can't take it anymore, you both are being too sweet for my taste, just get inside the house now." Jimin comments before walking in. Taehyung and Jungkook laugh at the short mochi.

"Jungkook.... Jung...Oh my god... Jungkook come inside it's cold there" Jin pulled Jungkook to the side who was standing near the window lost in his thoughts with tearful eyes, he closed the panes which had snow settled on its base and turned to Jungkook whose head was hung low and eyes now closed, his nose and cheeks were red because of cold wind that rushed through the window.

They were so shocked and grieved with what Jin told earlier that no one noticed what Jungkook is doing or feeling until Jin saw him there. They were sad but Jungkook didn't spoke a word after that.

Jungkook could see faintly for a short while the boxy smile of Taehyung when he closed his eyes, but it only last for few seconds.

Jungkook could see faintly for a short while the boxy smile of Taehyung when he closed his eyes, but it only last for few seconds

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His tears flowed down his cheeks as he could hear the laugh of the other in his head.

"I...I can't see his smile...I will forget it...I don't want to forget it hyung...please...hyung I want to see him" Jungkook cried holding his shirt in his fists.

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