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The month passes by each of them taking care of Taehyung, he showed improvement and was now in good health, he also stopped asking for medicine or even look for it, he also smiled a lot and was going back to old him all sweet, adorable, cheerful, but the positivity was still missing and what worried Jungkook more was that it's been more than two months and Taehyung has not touched his camera or even glanced at it, he neglected his work totally, Jin and Jeongguk tried to help him or asked him to take pictures but he just changed the topic doing something else but not his work.

"Nothing inspires me or attracts me enough that I should capture it, I...I just feel like I won't be able to get a good shot, I don't believe in myself anymore...I am sorry"

Taehyung told to Jungkook when the other asked him several times, so Jin suggested that he should not force Taehyung for it, he has to do it himself, he just needs time.

Jungkook was nervous today, he was going to take Taehyung out for a surprise dinner treat that he has planned in between his tight schedule and wanted everything to go smoothly. It was not in a restaurant but in one of the house in the outskirts of Seoul that Yoongi owned.

Jungkook gasped at how easily Taehyung takes his breath away just by his looks though being all simple in green sweater and blue jeans and a blue beanie, his bangs falling over to his eyes, adorable and breath taking, an angel as Jungkook would describe it. He smiled looking at Jungkook.

"Gguk you don't need any effort to look handsome" he complimented the other, kissing him on the cheeks, and hugging him, the black T-shirt, with wide neck, a matching jacket to compliment it and tight black jeans as liked by the idol made Taehyung to look at him in awe. The feelings were mutual for them.

The ride to the venue was calm and peaceful, the greenery around made Taehyung happy, what more made him feel good was the place of dinner, Jungkook arranged the dinner in the garden, near the fountain, Taehyung ran to the place looking around in amazement the white lights and curtains and the greenery, was it a dream, it's like in the movies Taehyung had watched, he looked at Jungkook lovingly thanking him for the surprise. Jungkook was happy to see the boxy smile and excitement in the eyes of the other.

"Gguk, why are there extra chairs when only we are here?" Taehyung asked sitting on the chair while Jungkook served the younger with soup that the maid kept there and left.

"Tiger do you believe in me?"

"You doubt it?" Taehyung smiles.

"I have a surprise for you"

"Was not this the surprise?" A butler walks in and whispers something in Jungkook's ear. Jungkook nods and excuses himself to leave the confused and excited Taehyung.

Taehyung focuses on his soup loving its warmth, it was not too cold outside but still the breeze had made Taehyung feel the arrival of winter. The spoon falls from his hands falling harshly on the table with a clunk as he hears the female voice call out his name, eyes widening in shock, his head snaps to the direction of it.

"Taehyungie" the voice was smooth, a little hesitant but full of love. He was unable to move or react, he just looked at the figure in front of him, not believing his eyes, which were now filled with tears.

"Son" she said again closing her mouth with the back of her palm to control herself from crying out loud.

"" a sob leaves his mouth. Taehyung stands up with a difficulty as he was still in shock. He walks slowly to her and stands in front of her looking at her thin frame, beautiful and glowing face, glassy eyes. She cups his face, running her thumb softly on his cheeks, looking at him with admiration, love, care. Her soft, warm and motherly touch makes Taehyung close his eyes leaning in the touch.

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