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It took only a couple of hours for them to reach Busan, the three hyungs decided to stay in the hotel as it would be more convenient for the company and them while Jungkook and Taehyung went to his parents' house. Taehyung slept most of the time during the journey so he was feeling fresh and cheerful but standing in front of Jungkook's house made him nervous, will they like him? Accept him? How will they react? Do they even know that they are coming? What if they don't talk to him? All sorts of ifs were going in his mind, Jungkook held his hand firmly to calm him down.

Taehyung heard a dog barking from inside and his eyes shines in excitement, Jungkook chuckles looking at him "it's my hyung's dog 'betty'", he opens the gate leading them to the courtyard, Taehyung's mouth hung open looking at the beautiful place, they were standing on the tiled path leading to the house to the entrance, to their sides was a beautiful garden, one side had white metal chairs and tables for sitting and enjoying the soothing view of green grass and trees, with blooming flowers and the other side had a small fountain and potted plants with a kennel built at the side. Taehyung looked at the place in awe.

Jungkook kneeled down opening his arms when he saw the white fluffy Pomeranian running towards them, it sniffed Jungkook and started licking on his hand making him giggle, rubbing his fur with his other hand. The dog barked more, Taehyung kneeled down too to touch the fur, moving his hand to smoothen them, he smiled wide looking at Jungkook.

"Betty meet Taehyung, Taehyung this is Betty"

"Hey Betty" Taehyung smiled.

"Bett, why are you-" they hear a female voice and a gasp following it. Both of them look up to to see a middle aged woman, resembling Jungkook, pretty face and hair half tied to a bun, wearing a trouser and a loose blouse hands clasped together looking in awe at them.

"Mom" the excitement was visible on Jungkook's face and voice, he rushes to her engulfing her in a hug, kissing on her cheek, she laughs and cups his cheeks kissing him on his forehead.

"How come you are looking so mature, my Ggukie is growing so fast"

"And you look still the same, beautiful" he grins showing his bunny teeth.

Her gaze falls on the boy who was standing a few steps away from them, looking at the two adoringly, she was speechless to see the beautiful male, just staring at him in awe. Jungkook chuckles looking at her mother's expressions, holding her hand he leads her to introduce them to each other.

"Mom, meet-"

"Taehyung" she cuts him, she moves away the hair that was falling over Taehyung's eyes, looking at him lovingly.

"Finally I met you, I am Jeon Seo-Yeon, but for you it will only be mom" she smiles.

Taehyung nods taking in her words he was surprised with how easily she accepted him, was it real.

"Taehyung" he bows.

"Oh my god! Gguk, he is so beautiful and cute" her eyes shines just like Jungkook in excitement, she hugs him.

"He is so soft not like you all muscled up" she teases Jungkook making him pout and Taehyung blush.

"You won't invite him in?" He raises his eyebrow. Seo-Yeon gasps.

"Oh yeah! Come on son, we are going to chat a lot today" she pulls his hand, heading inside the house, Taehyung's focus was only on one word 'son'. Jungkook as if reading Taehyung's expressions whispers in his ear "get used to it tiger" he slides Taehyung's luggage inside the house, closing the door.

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