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Jungkook holds the letter close to him as sobs leaves his mouth and tears falls on his already wet cheeks.

" sorry" he cries.

The atmosphere was gloomy in the room. All of them had their eyes fixed on Jungkook, they loved Taehyung dearly and to hear out what he wrote before leaving they couldn't control their emotions, they felt helpless as they couldn't do anything but just cry, the boy actually made them think over the time when he was there all cheerful and bright as if he had all the happiness in his life but was actually passing in a tunnel full of sorrows.

Jin looked at Jungkook with pity and patted his shoulder telling him that they are here with him, he is not alone. He took a seat beside Jungkook, and handed him water to drink, he looked at others who were also not in a good condition, maybe he did reveal things a little late, he should have told them sooner at least to Jungkook, but Taehyung was always against it. He cleared his throat before speaking grabbing their attention.

"Taehyung's father was always strict, he was very disciplined man in odd ways, everything should be in order according to him, things should go as he planned, my mother told me how hard my aunt tried to adjust with him, but little Taehyungie was different, he loved to do things of his own, talking non-stop, drawing pictures on wall, sometimes playing for hours with his friends, eating lots of cookies, however furious Mr.Kim used to get with the boy, Taehyungie as a baby boy never changed his habits. His father was not able to monitor him as Tae's other siblings stole his attention. Tae loved his brother and sister and protected them from his father's wrath.

He was 9 years old when his father hit him so bad that it left bruises in his body for several days just because he trailed off a bit in studies and paid more attention to sports, Taehyung was a talented football player but his father didn't liked it a bit. The scoldings and beating started to become like a habit for him whenever Taehyung does anything against his rules, Tae was now scared of his dad, he was afraid of going home and facing him, he worked hard not to piss off his dad, he was good at everything he did, which made his father's expectations high from him.

He wanted Tae to become a doctor just like in our family most of us were, but the grown up Tae was fascinated towards photography, he used to take beautiful pictures and his passion for it started increasing. Their arguments heated up ending in scolding and punishment for the son. Frustrated Taehyung just applied to any stream he saw ignoring his heart or his father yelling, this made his father furious, he was so angry that he didn't gave a thought before disowning his own son and telling him to leave the house.

His mother called me and told me everything, I was the only son of my parents and because Tae used to visit me often I always looked at him like my sibling. He stayed with me but since I was busy he was practically alone only Myung and Jimin were with him to give him company for some time." Jin left a loud sigh remembering the past he drank water to wet his dry throat.

"Myung, why does she hate Tae so much?" Jungkook asked still looking at the letter, his thumb unconsciously moving over Taehyung's name written on it.

"Myung, me and Taehyung we were childhood friends, we met at school and became friends then and there, we were unbreakable, we knew how strict Tae's dad were so she used to cheer him up by daily bringing his favourite foods for him, we were occupied in our own little space, as we grow old our friendship also strengthened." Jimin said showing Jungkook her photo from a social media account.

" Jimin said showing Jungkook her photo from a social media account

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