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"Yejin told me he came to the room to look for you, but saw you unconscious lying on the floor, he was quick enough to take you to the hospital" Jin completes the says as he was keeping the recorder back in the bag.

"I guess god doesn't like me that's why he keeps sending me back" Taehyung chuckles making others frown.

"Maybe he likes you way too much and gives you chances to love yourself too" Jin was happy to watch how Jungkook answers and takes care of Taehyung.

"Tae I and Yugyeom were together but not in a way you thought, at least not from my side, he has feelings for me and loves me but I rejected him....I never loved him, I thought maybe I can but..I couldn't...I would have waited for you even if you didn't show up. punished us both....both of us suffered from the same pain, blamed ourselves, but still loved each other, I want you to be mine like before, like we were, but more opened with your thoughts, I want to heal you, give me chance I will try to make you happy, be mine"

Taehyung hugged Jungkook tightly nodding "I am always your" he mumbles while crying softly.

"But" he suddenly recalls the contract with the CEO.

The three get what is disturbing him.

"Don't worry Tae he can't do anything, I am not that 3 years before Jungkook, things have changed he can't harm us now" he assures the other in his embrace.

Jin stands up ready to leave"it's enough for today, you should rest now, you will be in strict observation from now on, and you have to trust us " Taehyung just nods.

Jungkook gets a call from the manager who calls him to the office he takes the leave from the hospital, leaving Taehyung with Jimin.


Jungkook was standing in front of the Kwang's office, he smiled when he saw Shik walking towards him.

"So he called you too"

"Yeah, let's deal with it, you got everything?"

Jungkook nods showing his file, they enter the room. Kwang was expecting them so without wasting anytime he asks them to sit.

Kwang signs some papers handing them to Shik. He turns his gaze towards Jungkook.

"Care to tell me why you didn't attend the party yesterday?"

"I had my dinner and was not in a mood to party" Jungkook says looking at Kwang.

"I thought you would tell me the actual reason of not going there" Kwang leans in his chair playing with his pen.

"I heard that boy is back" Kwang continues. Jungkook glances at Shik who was smiling.

"Is not he the actual reason that you are avoiding things?" Kwang smirks. Jungkook just stayed calm, he is going to patiently see where this conversation will go.

"That was not an important dinner and I don't care if it's missed"

"What is it you want?" Jungkook asks as they were silent for few seconds.

Kwang sighs "last I met that boy I made it very clear to him to stay away from you, but I think I wasn't clear enough"

"Stay away from him" Jungkook grits his teeth

"Are you threatening me" Kwang laughs "that's really a horrible mood I am dealing with today"

"I am all calm just telling you to stay away from him or should I tell it your way, so what do say- Good way or bad way"

The Truth Untold // Vkook ✔️Where stories live. Discover now