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Taehyung was discharged from the hospital after a few days. Jin declared that Taehyung will stay in his house or their house and one member will always be staying by his side all the time since they all had jobs to go to so shifts were adjusted according to their schedule, Taehyung was of course oblivious to these arrangements and was happy to have someone by his side all the time, he felt secured but the feeling of losing something, the pain, itchiness, something might go wrong always lingers in his head.

Jin made them clear about it, he will feel all this, will not act like himself sometimes, also will have trouble in sleeping as the younger has got accustomed to the pills, so their task was not an easy one. Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok and Jungkook decided that they will free one member when there will be the work which doesn't require the presence of all of them, so that each can spend time with Taehyung.

What most worried them was that Taehyung has stopped working, he didn't touch the camera or even gave it a glance, they tried to talk to him about it, but he was not willing, as if he lost interest in everything. It was not easy to heal the wounds that were stinging for such a long time.

Jin got an urgent appointment in hospital so he had to leave Taehyung, but he asked Jungkook to be there who was busy in recording, but as soon as he completed the song, he left to the elder's house. He was excited and eager to meet Taehyung, it has been two days since he last saw him, their upcoming concert schedules made them busy, he was only able to talk through phone calls and that too for few minutes.

When he unlocked the door, there was no noise from inside, he called for Taehyung, scared with the silence, but didn't get any answer making him more nervous, so he started searching for the boy, checking every room but there was no sign of Taehyung, only Jin's room was left, he felt uneasiness and took out his phone to call Jimin if anything went wrong.

He heard rustling noise from inside the room and immediately opened the door to witness Taehyung searching something from Jin's cupboard, the room was mess, bedsheet and covers were lying on floor, the drawers of the side tables were wide opened, Jin's clothes were lying on floor and Taehyung was busy searching something, mumbling to himself that he didn't even noticed that someone entered the room. Jungkook was horrified, he didn't saw the other like this before, he was not used to it, he only heard it from Jin and Jimin. He walked a few steps towards the other calling his name softly. Taehyung heard after second or third time turning to him scared, like a child caught in an act of stealing.

"What are you doing baby?" Jungkook asked softly not to scare him more, his heart was broken with the expression the other carried.

"Ple...please don't tell hyung" Taehyung almost cried.

"Hey....I won't but what happened?" He walked a few steps more towards the other.

"I...I know hyung...has medicines" he looked from the floor straight in Jungkook's eyes, his eyes filled with tears "I will...I will just take one..please" he whispered as if Jin would hear it.

"Tae.... stop it" Jungkook cried scared with the behavior.

"Just one...I need one, I can't... sleep, I feel this fear, something around me, I am scared" he pleads.

"I know...I will help you...come to me" Jungkook tries to walk further but Taehyung steps back.

"Wait...let me search this last one drawer, I will...just one Gguk...I will take just one" he starts rummaging again.

"Tae..please stop it" Jungkook tries to hold his wrist, but Taehyung jerks it off.

"Don't stop are not helping"

" should calm down"

" don't feel it, it's easy for you to say so"


"No" Taehyung was determined but Jungkook was losing his patience looking at the condition of the other.


Taehyung flinches and backs away from the drawer, his head hung low, he falls on his knees his hands clasped and cries begging Jungkook to let him get one medicine.

Jungkook hugs him quickly, he was not able to see other like this, it was like a nightmare, he rubs Taehyung's hair, to calm him down, telling him everything will be alright, he is there for him, he will be fine. Taehyung cried resting his head on Jungkook's shoulder.

"Gguk....please don't leave me...I am sorry...I feel like I am mentally sick...have I gone crazy" he cries

"No you will be fine, this is just a phase, it will pass"

"I just wanted to sleep, but couldn't, I am tired" he leaned more on Jungkook.

Jungkook holds him in his arms and takes him to the other room, Taehyung rests his head on Jungkook's shoulder holding him tight. Jungkook sits on the bed resting his back on the headboard, Taehyung settled on his lap and head pressed to his chest, Jungkook removes his flip flops, he caress Taehyung's cheeks lovingly wiping tears, holding him by his waist from one hand, Taehyung had his eyes closed, feeling too tired to open it.

Jungkook starts rubbing his arms softly, pressing it to massage the arm.

"When I was a kid, I used to get scared thinking that there might be monster hiding in my room, so my mother would calm me like this and I sleep peacefully...should I sing a song for you?"

Taehyung nods weakly, snuggling himself more on Jungkook's chest, finding it extremely soothing.

Jungkook hums a song for Taehyung patting his head lightly massaging his fingers too on it, making Taehyung sleep like a baby listening to a lullaby.

Jungkook smiles hearing soft snores from the boy in his arms, he kisses Taehyung's forehead when his tears starts to leave his eyes rolling down to his cheeks, he felt horror, pain, sadness, miserable after watching Taehyung's condition. He decides to spend more time with him and slides his body carefully down to lie  comfortably on bed but careful enough not to wake the other, bringing Taehyung closer to him beside him, he watches the other until he himself falls asleep.


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