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Kwang smiled watching Taehyung taking steps towards the seat again but Jimin holds his hand " Tae we don't need to be here let's tell Jungkook about this"

Before Taehyung could respond Kwang speaks up " oh! That will be a big mistake you know....did you forgot Taehyung... Jungkook isn't alone there....there are other members too with him your 'hyungs'...would you put their career at sake.. that would be highly selfish deed" Kwang doesn't fail to smile talking calmly to them.

Taehyung shakes his head to tell Jimin not to do anything. Jimin grits his teeth and sits back at the seat, next to Taehyung, he feels defeated and knows the one to suffer the most will be his friend and he is not able to do anything. Taehyung wouldn't do anything that can in anyway cause problem in their career.

Taehyung turns the pages of the file and the past hit him like a truck again, making him go through the pain again looking at the pictures of those who were responsible for it. He feels difficulty in breathing, getting the panic attack again, his hands were constantly shivering, he holds his hand tightly " got this" he mumbles.

Kwang and Shik notices his condition, but Kwang finds the situation satisfying while Shik feels pity and guilty for the boy being dragged in here, if only he could have known and somehow hinted Jungkook.

"Do you take your medicines regularly?" Kwang asks eyeing Taehyung.

Jimin holds one of Taehyung's hand to calm him rubbing his knuckles while Taehyung clutches his shirt.

Getting no response from them Kwang continues "You see Jungkook is like my son"  Jimin scoffs listening this.

Kwang ignores him "I know what is good and bad for him and being with you , I am sorry to say, is only bad for him"

"Wow! Great father you are and don't assume things you don't know" Jimin was more than furious now.

"Jimin calm down" Shik speaks sensing the anger building in Kwang.

Jimin glares at Shik but becomes quiet focussing on Taehyung.

Kwang sighs "You see Taehyung, you may be a good person but dating idol is not a life for you, especially our Jungkook, they already have busy, hectic schedule, they get stressed out and then above it dealing with a person with depression is too difficult to ask for, don't you think that, I just wonder how he is able to deal with it until now, my Jungkook is really strong" he tries to act polite.

Jimin grits his teeth, he was suffocating in the place now.

"He.. will be broken...if I...I..please..just please..don't do this..." Taehyung pleads.

"Do you want me to tell him about your past to him... I know you don't want him to tell me do you want it..after that he will pity you like everybody else, it will only make his life hell dealing with the depressed mess you are" Kwang threatens

"Stop calling him MESS" Jimin warns. "Tae you don't need to listen to him let's just talk to hyungs.."

Taehyung interrupts Jimin before he could complete what he wanted to say " I....I will do it" Taehyung looks at Kwang wiping his tears.

"Tae..." Jimin was disappointed.

"I will do it chim...he is right... somewhere inside I also know this is the past will haunt me...I never thought about hyungs, how can I be so selfish, it's not just him and me Jimin, it's all of us, I never would like to be his weakness, I have to do it..."he sobs, Shik sighs listening this, Jimin turns the other way not wanting to face the other three at the moment.

"That's the right choice you made...I knew you were smart, so then, it is settled.." Kwang speaks in victory but gets interrupted with Taehyung.

"I want time...I just can't leave him like that, I want him to hate me when I leave, so that he can move on" Taehyung says looking at his fingers, tears dripping on his lap.

"Please... Tae...stop it.. don't do this" Jimin tries to stop the other for the last time.

"Well okay...I can grant you this, but don't disappoint me or else you know (he waves the folder)  I can be very rude and do things which you can't think of " he warns.

Taehyung nods and stands up "I will remain quiet sir but if ever Gguk comes to know about this in future... I just hope you and he will remain like what you are now."

Taehyung almost runs from the room and when he reaches the empty corridor,  he falls on his knees and cries his heart out that he was holding till now. Jimin rushes to him and holds him in embrace rocking him and trying to calm him, almost crying with him.

"Chim...promise won't tell him about this " Taehyung sobs in his chest.

"I are really strong Tae" Jimin kisses his head.

" will I live without him...chim...I...I am sorry.. Gguk" he cries again.

Shik watches them from a distance with sympathy, regret, guilt but there is nothing he can do, but he was sure they are not going to tell Jungkook anything.

"I am sorry but this was to be kept a secret among us, Kwang told me to keep an eye on them after your return, Namjoon overheard Taehyung's name and sensed something was wrong, he asked me, I didn't tell him anything but Taehyung did and told him to not to tell you about it" Shik explains.

Jungkook wipes his tears from his sleeves "I will kill him, how dare he threaten Tae" Jungkook clenched his fist slamming them on the table.

"Jungkook you know Kwang he is not an easy target to just talk without preparations, you need to act smart, you are grown-up don't act like kid, at that time Taehyung knew you need the support of the company, so he said yes to it, it was not only about you but your hyungs too, do you think like him? I am sorry but he acted more mature than you, so stop uttering nonsense you will get nothing from it, if you want to do anything do it secretly, I won't help you fully but there is a way I know, I was not able to help that boy but I will compensate for it, meanwhile act good and normal to him like your hyungs did all this time knowing everything, don't let Tae's sacrifice go for waste, I hope you understand EACH word I said, I have business to take care of talk to you later, go get some rest" Shik stands pulling his coat forward closing the buttons he looks at Jungkook pats his shoulder and leaves.

Jungkook slams his head on the table as he listens the sound of the door being shut. "Tae...I am sorry again.."

The sound of his phone makes him flinch, he looks at it to find the reminder being on. He opens it wiping his tears, he knows the reminder too well, it was in his mobile because he liked to hear it whenever the day comes, it reminds him how cute Tae used to look when he was pissed and send him this audio as he didn't want to talk but convey the reason too for not talking so Jungkook used it as a reminder for the date that he has to remember for his Tae.

"Gguk you idiot, I don't want to hear your sorry, you forgot Chim's birthday AGAIN" Taehyung huffs and the message ends.

Jungkook half smiles listening the voice and starts listening it repeatedly "I love you Tae" he says while wiping his tears.


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