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Jungkook pushed the door bell button as he reached the door of the apartment which took all his efforts to be there, but he decided to sort things between him and Min Jae and close this chapter of his life like a beautiful memory of the bed time stories which made him smile, so here he was in front of Min Jae's apartment patiently waiting for him to open the door.

He heard the unlocking of door, and felt nervous, sweating a bit, he rubbed his hands on his sides to control himself. Min Jae opened the door, he was in casual wears looking younger than his age, but as he looked at Jungkook his face tensed and he furrowed his eyebrows, trying to make sure he was not dreaming.

"If you are here to punch me I am sorry, I had enough Jungkook"

He glared and closed the door on Jungkook's face. Jungkook huffed annoyingly but composed himself immediately thinking he has to do it.

"I decided to move on" Jungkook sighed resting his hand on door. The door opened again as Min Jae was waiting to get the slight signal of the other leaving him but he also knew how stubborn Jungkook was and looked at him suspiciously.

"I move on... it's time" Jungkook said now looking at him.

Min Jae didn't say a word but stared at him they both stood there in silence looking at each other.

"Wait here, let's grab a drink, my parents are at home, can't talk here" Min Jae said giving one more glance to Jungkook head to toe before leaving him there alone.

Jungkook leaned on the wall near the door leaving a long sigh, Min Jae was quick to come out, he just wore a jacket over his t-shirt. They went to Jungkook's car leaving for the bar owned by Min Jae's friend, where mostly v.i.p's were allowed.

The place was elegant with beautiful interior and was less packed for Jungkook's liking, Min Jae hugs his friend who take them to a place where they sit comfortably, the place restricted any media or paparazzi with tight security so mostly celebrities preferred it. They were served the drinks, Jungkook looks around the place, light music playing in the background makes him feel a little better, he chugs his drink in one go, Min Jae was watching him already emptying his own glass and getting both of their refilled again.

"I am sorry for my behavior all this time, but I was mad" Jungkook said looking at his glass.

Min Jae chuckled sarcastically " since that incident whenever we met we ended up picking a fight, I am sorry but this was not I expected, is this the drink speaking"

Jungkook scoffed "you think I had expected this, it was more difficult for me to say sorry to you"

"So why 'moving on' all of a sudden, lost interest in YOUR Taehyung"

Min Jae smirked teasing Jungkook and watching him controlling himself.

Jungkook gritted his teeth, he desperately wanted to punch the male in front of him with ugly smirk but suppressed his thought gulping his drink again, getting it refilled immediately.

"Aren't you going to give me the details of how you both planned it"

"Ohh...I see Tae's little bunny has decided to open his eyes and know the truth after like what...3 years...huh!!!" Min Jae said a little angry

"It's Taehyung for you...and I feel I took another wrong decision of coming here" Jungkook was about to stand when Min Jae started speaking looking at his glass.

"I fell for him the day I laid eyes on him at the party he was looking so beautiful and that innocence of his attracted me towards him, it was a bold move by you to bring him there and of course Bighit does wonders in hiding stuff like this, seeing him I can understand that you didn't want to be away from him, I came to know that he works at a coffee shop and started visiting him there whenever I can"

The Truth Untold // Vkook ✔️Where stories live. Discover now