Chapter 1: Fame

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"Now we are witnessing the grand entrance of the most renowned model/actor of all time. We are simply swept off of our feet every time he turned our way. None other than Izuku Midoriya. There he goes we've got to zoom in." A chubby yet sexy woman in a formal red dress introduced the handsome model.

As Izuku went down the black limo, ready to walk the red carpet people's lively screams can be heard. He was too handsome and charming as the reporter had say. His black elegant suit hugs perfectly his well defined body as if it was sculpted by one of the most famous sculptor. Together with a silver tie that he fixed, oozing with great confidence as he do so. He waved his long slender fingers in the air as he looked at every person at his sides. Guard in black suits are restlessly restraining the mob that was chasing after the young model.

Who wouldn't squeal in delight? After all he's a 26 years old model who doesn't have a girlfriend. Every woman's dream it is. Although famous he still gets the bitter statements. He doesn't get passed the prying eyes of judgemental people. He had once labeled as a gay. For when he started his career he was too young. Until years passed, still he hasn't found the one who could made his heart beat like a drum would. When he was interviewed all he would say is that he's waiting. Little did they know that he was into something. Far from being romantic and cheesy.

He still cares. For some of his money that he earned, he gives it away to charities. He still have a heart of gold but underneath was dark when he unmasked his mask of innocence. His purpose in life now was to make that person repay the consequences that he made to him.

It was the night of the stars and everyone was excited. Later Izuku will receive an award for the achievements he had made. Boisterous cheers of the crowd are very ear wrecking. The green hair Afro Sat near the front row. His smile never falters to leave as it can't hide his excitement. Deep inside he was trembling as the rhythym of his heartbeat was almost deafening. He slightly shook his head and squeezed his eyes shut. He kept repeating in his mind 'don't be nervous' or 'it will be over soon' as he clenched his fist. Sweats started to form in his forehead and unto the palm of his hands. He nervously wiped it with his white hanky that he tugged in his pants afterwards.

Suddenly a cold hand touched his clenched fist. Gently tapping it making Izuku instantly opens his eyes as he looked for the one who tapped him. Beside him was a beautiful lady with a brown slightly curled hair, with a chubby face and hazel vibrant eyes. She chuckled as she gripped Izuku's hand slightly squeezing it.

Izuku smile back at her as he let out a calm sigh. "Are you scared?" She uttered. "Slightly but after what you did I'm much calmer now. Thank you. I'm Izuku Midoriya by the way and I'm a model. Nice to meet you. Miss?....." Izuku replied pausing to get her name. "It's nothing I didn't do that much. Oh! I'm Ochako Uraraka. I'm an actress." she smiled warmly.

To Izuku's surprise he never thought that he will be meeting his favorite actress. "Wow. You are? I'm a huge fan of yours. You looked amazing in your recent movie. Your acting really made me cry, it was heart touching." he beamed at her. 'Her smile is really contagious' Izuku had thought. "You watched it? Some critiques says it's not that good. So thank you for the review. It's very much appreciated." she said teasingly before laughing again. They both laugh and instantly Izuku's worries was flushed down the toilet. They continue to talk. Chatting about their works, families, fans, and sometimes the stupid things that happens to them. It's like they were best friends.

When Uraraka was called Izuku shouted for joy, he couldn't contain the happiness he was feeling. But don't get him wrong. For his heart only beats for men. It's just he still have a friendly, caring heart that's all. She stood on her violet shiny gown that had a slit on its back, showing her curves perfectly as the dress hugs her body not too tight. She sashayed her way to the stage. A small gold trophy with a 'best actress of 2018 award' inscribed in it was given to her by a blonde woman in a black long gown. Tears brimming in her eyes as she speak her congratulatory speech. She waved afterwards and headed to her seat. Izuku greeted her and congratulate her.

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