Shouto's Another Chance

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  A/N: If you don't like my smut part just skip them or don't read them at all. Read at your own risk.

There was never a day passed Shouto didn't got worried about Izuku's well-being. The bags under his eyes got worsen too. As if he looked like a zombie. With work and the search for Izuku he doesn't know what to do anymore. It's been a week and still no news to where his location is. He even hired professional private investigator, trackers, and even the military

 He used all his wealth to find his precious beloved.Until an information was sent to him. They located Izuku. A private investigator was friends with one of the workers in the Shigaraki household. Now Shouto gave a reasonable amount to keep their mouth shut and to keep whatever information they had shared. Shouto now worked a strategy to get inside. He hired all the best men in the country and even socialized himself with thugs in the underground association. He wasn't to be messed with. With tons of wealth to spend and waste of and a brain that could level with scientists, his high caliber couldn't be defeated.  

The day of the mission was now today. Everyone standby in their positions, waiting for the signal of their commander. Shouto was dressed as the delivery man for the delivery of guns. Supposedly the delivery truck for the guns was ambushed near the road. With the help of some people they able to sneak without alarming people in the place they're going to. "Why are you late?" A grumpy red haired guy said. "We've stopped for Pizza. You know we ain't delivering with empty stomach ain't we? Here want some?" Shouto munched his pizza before giving his. Tenya Iida, his right hand just nod. Then he adjusted his lenses as if signaling something. The guy just shrugged and gave him a glare. "Go on. Oh! Wait" he stopped Shouto. The gates were wide open now. "Inspection." he followed. Shouto grip the wheel then Tenya knocked the backside. The truck's backdoor open and a man heavily equipped with a silencer gun came out and shot the red hair.

  Shouto step on the gas and sped off inside, breaking the gate. They shot all the man present inside and the war began. Shouto held a Matilda, a type of revolver that can be handle with ease. He fired at the cameras, bulls eye all at once. "Iida stay at the truck in case we need to escape. Max go guard him." A guy with a broad body nod at him. They were all 50 in total and everyone advanced to the higher level. Ambushing them was the best tactical idea. Therefore even though they called for backup it will be too late for them. "Sir their backup are already here." A man's raspy voice came out of the earpiece he was wearing. Then a familiar one was heard. "Do not kill them they're the half n half bastard's people. Kill those who don't wear military suit." It was Katsuki Bakugo's scream. "Do not kill those who just came in. They are our backup." Shouto smiled. 

The sound of the guns roared all over the place. Shouts of dying men were not payed attention to Shouto and Katsuki's people. They shot those who show animosity towards them. Until it ended. They reached fourth floor and the last door couldn't be opened. Shouto meet Katsuki at third floor."What the fuck are you doing here half n half bastard? How did you know this was the place?" Katsuki greeted out. While waiting for answers he fired his mini machine gun at them. There were still some left so Katsuki took care of them, while Shouto hide in a nearby crate. Screaming as he shot them nonstop, he looked like a badass Rambo. When he was satisfied he looked at Shouto. "Damn, are you the son of Rambo or something? Enough talk. Izu-kun is at the top floor of this warehouse. They already called backup and so am I. Let's save him already." Shouto said sternly. "Damn it. Are you out of your mind? Do you know what tactics are, planning everything? Stay here I'll rescue the princess."

But Shouto insisted he was the first one to arrive and he was just concerned. Whatever happens he will be happy for Izuku if he chose to be with Katsuki. Although it was hurting him he only wanted the best for Izuku. "Don't worry I won't interfere with you two. I just want to know if he's safe." Shouto looked down. Katsuki smiled and tapped his shoulder. "You do really love him don't you? I guess it will be a fight. Fight me fair and square. Best man wins." he gave Shouto a toothy grin. Shouto lighten up and shot Katsuki a determined look. "It would be." Then they fist bump.

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