Chapter 4: Jealousy

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As soon as they start the shooting Izuku calmed down. He needs to think straight and didn't want to afford any time wasted on thinking of what the pervert did to him. Slightly he admitted he was happy but 95% of his brain tells the opposite. He took a sip from the shake he requested twenty minutes before the actual shoot starts. Closing his eyes momentarily to calmed down.

Izuku was very talented indeed. He could calmed down almost instantly after taking deep breaths and focusing his thoughts to Katsuki's dork face. He would often laugh and that will most likely caught the staffs attention.

Yet they didn't bother him as they thought it was his moment of reminiscing. If you had seen him first time you would think he's going crazy but after working with him some time, you'll be dreaming it was you instead. He was very kindhearted to everyone even to a clumsy personnel who happened to spill his drink on him. He would be asking the other way around if your alright, completely ignoring that he was drenched in juice.

He was directed to pose this and that near the new car the company was promoting. After receiving the award he got tons of contracts lined up. It wasn't easy. Constantly posing, acting, and working is very tiring, that's why whenever he got his day off he would sleep it off all day. Sometimes cuddling with his Kachan.

Until everyone stopped moving in the room. All eyes turned towards the one who distracted them from working. Izuku's manager eyed them as the figures started to walk close by him. The room wasn't that huge and because it was dark near the door they couldn't tell who it was. All lights are focused on the main actor so it's only obvious that the lights in the room are the only ones lighting him.

But someone already knew who it was. His eyebrows furrowed slightly, taking the opportunity to do so because everyone's attention was on the people heading to his manager and the photo editor.

The sight of Shouto was seconds revealed as he stepped into the radius of the light. He was followed by some of his employees. Shinsuo ignored them and clapped his hands. "Everyone please do continue." he shouted. Izuku tried his best to ignore him but couldn't help but to steal glances towards the guy. Only to regret it as their eyes locked and the smirk plastered wide enough in his face was clearly seen.

He averted his eyes and looked at the camera instead. He knew this was one of his tactics to distract him but he's never backing down. He saw that his manager and Shouto was talking seriously as they pinpoint something in the screen. Probably choosing the best pictures taken so far.

After 2 hours of posing and smiling Izuku couldn't feel his legs anymore. His manager called for lunch break as Izuku sit down beside him. Shouto offered them to go outside and told them that it will be his treat. Everyone agreed except Izuku. "No offense dude but I have plans for today's lunch." he nonchalantly excused himself. He exited blinking towards his manager. Shinsuo nodded reluctantly and sighed. A man of his words, Shouto took them out for lunch.


Izuku went to the nearest cafe and texted Katsuki. He sit down at the far side corner of the shop. Gladly there were few people as of the moment so he only wear his cap. Minutes later a guy sit down in front of him and cursed out like its his casual greetings. Izuku smiled warmly at him.

"What do you want for lunch Kachan?" he asked.

"The usual, since we're in a coffee shop." he replied. The blonde is very unusual today as he stared at the green haired. "OK. One cappuccino to me and one strawberry milkshake. Then for dessert let's order tiramisu. It seems it's their special for today." he mumbled.

"I'll be right back." he waved before standing up. Walking towards the counter only to get squeals from the ladies. Katsuki immediately turned his head to see the commotion only to be pissed. Izuku was flirting with the female employees it was visible. With his pointy finger near his mouth gesturing them to 'shush'.

'Damn flirty demon. Those bitches are need to be trained well. Can't get their panties on while working. Whores.' Katsuki mentally cursed. Izuku came back with their orders. "So what important matter is that? Leaving me alone with a stupid guy." he whined, pouting as he take a bite.

Katsuki blushed and looked away. He couldn't understand why this little brat is too cute for his own good. "None of your business shitnerd." he scoffed while munching the straw of his strawberry milkshake. Funny that he likes it so much.

The bell rang as the door of the shop opened. Izuku's eyes widened in disbelief. Katsuki looked behind him as he saw what made Izuku like that.  Well it's trouble coming to them, they both thought.

Shouto caught Izuku staring at him and waved at them. Shinsuo following next to him and so a couple of their staff and employees. They took their order and headed to a table next to Izuku's.

"Damn Deku. If you want we can go somewhere else." he calmly said.

"No. Kachan it would be obvious if we do so." he smiled. Katsuki just sighed and waited for what was to come.

Like the usual cheerfulness he had to hide his panicked state, he greeted them warmly. "Oh! Didn't knew you were there Izu." Shinsuo stated.

"Manager stop calling me that. It's embarrassing." he chuckled.

"Hey there Bakugo. I thought you and Kaminari would end up. Being a bitch wouldn't get you a partner in life." he jokingly said.

"Who are you calling a bitch. Asshole. Well if you don't sleep enough then girls wouldn't chase after you. You looked like a zombie. Sleep deprived stupid." he whined sending glares to Shinsuo.

"Hey Izuku calmed the bitch please." he teased. They both laugh. It was getting awkward as they converse without the other people. Until their orders came and they started chatting. Katsuki stole the moment and grasp Izuku's attention. "Hey Deku. Would you want to go home with me? To see if your uhm...parents and mine too?" he mumbled shyly.

"Awww Kachan you haven't confessed to me, dated me and marry me, yet you wanted to take me home already. How impatient." Izuku teased. Seeing a flustered Katsuki was something he always want to see almost everyday. His thoughts of Shouto completely gone.

In the other table someone is getting jealous of the act their putting. Like they were lovey-dovey was out of the picture he was planning of. If he could freeze that jerk or burned him to crisp he would be delighted. He tried to lighten the mood by chatting his fellow employees but none would work. He was raging inside but he put up a great facade no one can noticed.

All except one, Shinsuo. He was a great manager after all. He wouldn't be admired for his talents if he's not good enough. It was his first time in the industry and he instantly boomed. All because he could see through every people that is. Even Izuku couldn't hide the fact that he knew he was mad inside. He gave him plenty of advices but he was too stubborn to deny it. So he let him be as long as he doesn't made anything that will make his work go down the drain. He eyed Shouto warily as the hetero-chromatic man gazed at the two with jealousy.

Well he wouldn't want to be caught up in the upcoming crossfire. He will be the spectator of their show instead. 'This will be fun to watch' he smirked unknowingly.


A/N: How is that bros? Sorry for the long wait. I just finished my other story. Check it out. I'm running a campaign there. If I get ten new views I'm definitely writing the smutty part. Witwew.

How's my shorty work for ya? Let me know in the comments.

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