Chapter 3: Pervert-San

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It was 7:20 am and Izuku was preparing for his photo shoot at the bastard's office. He didn't feel like coming so he laid his head down at the table. Closing his eyes and train of thoughts came rushing like a bullet train to him.

Why is he smiling?

Is he an idiot or something?

Did he already forgot?

Did he miss me?

Questions after questions popped out like a popcorn. He even skipped the thought of that guy having feelings for him. His not that stupid. But why is he feeling something else. Something that can be describe as happiness. Even in now he was still in denial of the feelings he once have for him. It's like everything was coming back to him. Like a ghost haunting him everyday of his life.

He doesn't know what to do. He wanted to see Kachan today and maybe hangout with him but he doesn't skipped work. It's very unlikely of him to do that and will only prove that he is avoiding that man. Shouto still have that icy glare that burns you up when you directly look at his mismatched of ruby red and stormy grey eyes. Izuku cringed at the thought.

He wanted to have a distraction so he's bringing Kachan with him. Whenever he's in stress he always bring him to work. He was fateful to have such a wonderful friend, for Katsuki always stay at Izuku's side no matter what. He was like a brother but more of a lover now that he think of it. He was now blushing furiously at the thought.

He got up and phone call Katsuki. It rings three times before Katsuki got the call. "Hi Kachan. Good morning. I was wondering if you can come with me to the photoshoot so we could hangout later. If you only want to. It's not I wanted you to go by forc....." he was cutoff by a snarl. "Fuck Deku. I'm coming. You don't have to spat nonsense. OK. I'll be there in an hour." he ended the call. Izuku knew that the guy wasn't a morning person but still he was coming just because he say so. It made him feel cheery somehow.

After 45 minutes his doorbell ring. He rushed to the door to peek at the door hole. He was surprised that Katsuki was doing the same. He opened the door and laugh. He noticed the slight blush Katsuki had. The flattered boy looked away to hide his embarrassment. Katsuki was wearing a torn gray jeans and a black T-shirt with a red jacket and black sneakers. He looked at Izuku who was wearing a gray jeans and a striped blue polo shirt that he was still buttoning. "What are you laughing at shitnerd? And..and.. Could you button up your shirt already, it's not like there is so much to see." he muttered. (A/N: Oh believe me dear Katsuki. There is... There is more to see in our cute cinnamon roll. *cackles maniacally* Oops sorry for that guys. Let's continue.)

This time it was the green haired turn to be embarrassed at the statement. He chuckled nervously. "He.. He... He.. I know. You don't have to be mean to say so." he pouted. Katsuki ruffled his hair and enters the house. "What would you like?" he said to his guest. Gesturing him to sit down at the kitchen counter. "Cereals. With lots of milk." he deadpanned.

Izuku got them their bowls and the cereals at the cabinet. He setup down it and made his way to the fridge. Getting the carton of milk and a juice box. Katsuki got the glasses and put it down near the bowls. <<<I almost put balls in this part. Pffft!!! "You don't have to help me. Your my guest." again he did the pouting act. Katsuki was always overwhelmed at the sight but still didn't budge. He is more of an actor than Izuku does and it was a secret.

"Shitnerd I'm not a fucking baby so stop your whining. I can do it myself if I wanted to." he faked. Izuku get used to his attitude a long time ago, so he knew it was his way of saying things in a normal way. He just chuckled at his tone.

By 8:15 am they finished and got to Izuku's car. Katsuki being a 'clean guy', he used to call himself, didn't leave until everything was in place. Izuku was now having second thoughts of weather to invite him again whenever he had work. The guy would make him late just by a little streak of dust.

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