Chapter 12: Everyone's Sorry

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That's how it unfolds. Everything was revealed to the actor as if he was listening to a drama. Wherein Shouto was the actor and not him.

Izuku was stunned and doesn't know how to react. Well Shouto just declared his feelings 'again' to him. Izuku couldn't believe. No! In fact he wouldn't believe. He was so heartbroken by that time that he wished to die so why would he repeat the past. By giving Shouto a second chance would be like having an affair. He don't want Katsuki to feel the same feeling he had when Shouto broke up with him. In short of the long story, he don't want to cheat.

Katsuki was the one who saved him and he didn't want to hurt someone as kind as him. "Izuku what do you think? I'm really sorry for all the hurt you've been through. Even though I want to comfort you I couldn't. The threat was potent. I don't want to risk you just because of my selfishness. Please accept me again Izuku. Please." Shouto begged on his knees. Izuku was conflicted wether to trust him again or not.

He was silent and couldn't focus, with different colored eyes on him. It was distracting. Who wouldn't be captivated with those beautiful icy blue and steely gray eyes. They are perfect and almost bewitching.

"I'll think about it Shouto. Right now I'm still confused and I need to think this thoroughly because I don't want to be in pain anymore. I'm sorry." He looked down. 'What were you thinking Izuku? You have a boyfriend now for Pete's sake. So why are you going to think about it. Just tell him to go away and about Katsuki.' He scowled himself internally. Somewhere deep in his heart he knew he still have feelings for Shouto and the mere thought hurts him.

Shouto clutched his hand and gave it a light squeeze. "I know it's stupid but I will still wait for you. Your my motivation each and every day. Your the reason why I'm still alive. Why I keep striving each day. The reason why my sanity won't leave me. You gave me every reason to live and it won't change Izuku. I love you and I won't stop waiting till the day you take me back into your life." Shouto looked straight in his eyes. Those vivid green that always reminded him of the forest. Of the nature. Both enthralled by each others eyes. They had magnificent stories to tell in one look after all. By that Shouto's phone ring. The awkward silence was cutoff and he excused himself. After awhile Shouto came back to the kitchen. "I'm sorry Izuku I have to go. I have some important matters to attend to. Can I come back again?" he said cautiously. Izuku gave a slight nod and his cheeks flushed a deep shade of red. Shouto blushed too as he gave Izuku a kiss in the cheek and hurriedly run towards the door, locking it before he got to his car. That day both were smiling and blushing profusely like high school students in love.


Shouto took off by 4:00 pm and Izuku almost miss him. He was now having weird feelings for him as it was starting to bloom again. No doubt he is cheating already by having these thoughts. He prepared meals for him and Katsuki later that night. It was getting late but Katsuki wasn't still at home. He looked at the clock and it registered 8:30pm.

Eventually he got tired and eat alone. After cleaning the dishes and putting the spared dinner at the fridge, he went upstairs. Retiring for the day as he collapsed down the bed.

He turned, facing the ceiling as he think deeply. "What am I doing? I love Kachan and I love Shouto too. I can't choose who to be with. Why do I have two boys falling head over heels to me and I to them." he mumbled. He turned to his right to see an All Might poster as he looks at the singer's photo seriously. All Might was his number one idol. He was a singer, actor, chef, and a good example for all the teenagers out there. Izuku was one of them. He is a good man as he always treat people with kindness. His humbleness always struck Izuku's sensitive eyes. Every good deed he made, was Izuku's happiness. He was his hero indeed.

He remembered the days when Katsuki and him would play in the park while chasing each other in All Might's costume. Pretending to be Heros and Villains. He would be All Might sometimes and Katsuki vice versa. Those times were fun and exciting. Izuku then turned to look at the ceiling again. His mind drifting to many what if's. He loved them both but what if there would be a time he would have to choose who between them. Who would he choose?


A/N: Sorry for the long wait. Damn it's too short I know. I'm focusing on my culinary class because of the upcoming assessment. Oh its nerve wracking. It's leaving myself with no ideas at this story at all. Tell me what you think about this chapter and I'll add some actions soon don't worry. Bye and thank you for reading guys.

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