The More The Merrier

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A/N: So as the title says it will be a threesome. If you don't like my smut part just skip them or don't read them at all. Read at your own risk.

Everyone was getting nervous, it's been a week and still the actor was missing. Shinsuo kept in contact with the two boys. They already broadcast about Izuku's abduction. Now that they are all in high alert, information constantly come and go in Shouto's mansion. Though Shouto only comes often because of some matters in his office, Katsuki take care of the rest.

They teamed up and everything was discussed with the two present. They hired men of the highest caliber when it comes to accuracy, knowledge, and skills.Soon they reached the end of the almost never-ending rabbit hole. They learned it was Shigaraki who owned the White Tiger's clan. When some of their men infiltrated their base they paid some of Shigaraki's men to team up with them. Of course every goon was never loyal to begin with. Just pay the right amount of money and they're sure to come wagging their tail to whoever pays the most.

Within a span of three days they planned it out. Organizing teams and setting position as Katsuki draw red marks on the map. Shouto agreed and then everything was discussed one last time. To ensure no failure of the mission. They decided to ambush them by midnight tomorrow. Everyone left to get some rest before the big day tomorrow. They even phoned the spies inside the vicinity.

"Hey are you sure coming? You don't have to so we won't have any casualties." Katsuki eagerly asked. "I'm not a prince or something and I have training in the military before. This thing is nothing new to me. I will go and save Izuku." he replied with determination in his hetero-chromatic eyes. Katsuki just nod and left on his own, speeding off his yellow sports car. The guards closed the gate as the last visitor came out.

The day of the mission came so fast. Everyone was tensed and nervous. Whatever happens the outcome must came out perfectly fine as planned. They arrived at an abandoned warehouse near the port. Katsuki take the lead as they approached it silently. The heavy cold breeze of the night brushed through their skins. Sweats bathed them as the tension welled up. It was heavily guarded. Thick broad guys with M4A1 stood at the front gate. They had guns, grenades, and machete tucked at their sides. Katsuki held his breath as he inhaled and exhaled, calming his nervous mind. Focusing on the mission before them they advanced slowly. Switching places with careful steps to prevent any unwanted attention. Swiftly they dodge any obstacles before them. As if Ninjas, they wore all black. Blending well to their dark surrounding as the night camouflage them. They used hand signs to acknowledge orders from their leader. They stopped abruptly when they saw someone at the front gate. A guard was inspecting a truck that just arrived. Katsuki took a quick glance at the driver, it was Shouto.

He raised his hand, showing the back of his hand, a sign to let them know to 'wait'. Then he tapped his mic. He had a small earpiece that connects him to the inside. "Phase one is complete. We got inside safe and sound. The men we hired are on standby. Do not shot the ones with black cap especially the guards outside." Shouto instructed to Katsuki. He was the leader of team Beta, while Katsuki was the leader of team Alpha. They were all startled when the sound of the gun echoed throughout the whole place. Katsuki signaled them to go inside. Upon reaching the gates they carefully went inside. Dead bodies scattered everywhere. There were still some gunshots from inside. Katsuki immediately searched for the sound. When he turned left he saw the rich guy near a crate. The man was startled as he pointed his gun at Katsuki. He only cursed and went to his side.

Upon closer inspection, Shouto's sky blue shirt was smeared with blood. He was clutching it tightly, hissing in pain. "What the fuck happened here half n half bastard?" he greeted out. While waiting for answers he fired his mini machine gun at them. Screaming as he shot them nonstop, he looked like a badass Rambo. When he was satisfied he looked at Shouto. "Damn, are you the son of Rambo or something? We thought there was none left and so we came in, then we got ambushed and they got a good hit on me. Enough talk. Izu-kun is at the top floor of this warehouse. They already called backup and so am I. We just need to finish the remaining 10 and we could already save him." he coughed, spilling blood on the floor. Katsuki was concerned a little bit but he doesn't want to show so he scoffed at him. "Damn suicidal bitch. Are you out of your mind? Do you know what tactics are, planning everything? Stay here I'll rescue the princess."

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