Chapter 2: Here Comes The Fox

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As the night fades, Izuku Midoriya was relaxing in his private room. After a couple more minutes he decided to get his tablet and stalk the main target of his major plan; Project named 'Get Revenge To That Jerk Plan'

He typed slowly, definitely procrastinating around because of the person who he was searching for. He clicked search and almost immediately his name and picture popped out of google.

Shouto Todoroki

CEO of the Endeavor Enterprise

At a very young age become CEO of the most remarkable company of cars; as well as real estates, malls, and some shipping lines. (A/N:Sorry dunno if it's correct. Just correct me if I'm wrong to the shipping line part.) One of the most generous person with a genuine heart. He also donates to charities as well to the old people community. Handsome yet he claims he had someone in his heart. The media hasn't seen the lucky girl he claims. Who may it be? Whoever it was, that person mostly will be happy for their life. With the achievements he had received, he also helped our country in many great ways. Unfortunately for his parents who leave him in a tragic accident. With such responsibility yet he successfully overcomed it. He is truly inspiring and mostly will be forever in the hearts of who he helped and soon to help.

It angers the actor for some unknown reason. All the facts that has been stated are false. He know the real guy. He is evil. A demon who plays with people's feelings. He was just probably acting it. Izuku hate to admit it but that bastard is more good in acting than him. Faking all that feelings and all the good things stated in the man's information. He knew that Shouto was hiding in a mask and he was the one to unmask it for all the people to see.

Clenching his fist in anger it sparked more of his determination to make him fall. A slight knock startled the raging model. He sighed before asking who it was. The door opens up to reveal a distress Blonde. "Oi!!! Shitnerd you still don't want me to kill that half bastard." By the annoying voice, Izuku didn't even look back to know who it is. "No Kachan. I have a plan in mind already. And that means no murdering involve. I'm sorry to disappoint you." he said nonchalantly still looking at the screen of the tablet.

The lack of emotion of the actor's voice seems to riled up the blonde. "My hands are getting itchy. I haven't killed someone in awhile now and it really is depressing." He scowled. He stomped his feet and sit to one of Izuku's sofa, leaning his feet in the small mahogany table across the room. "Kachan your always persistent to kill. Don't you have anything else to do." This time his voice was gentle. It soothes the wild one's head. Calming to his ears.

He already decided to stop bullying him. Katsuki was actually afraid that Izuku might break down someday and may take his own life. The solution he came up is to motivate him more to stand up, fighting away the bullies of Midoriya when he was not looking. He want to ensure that Izuku wouldn't know that he loved him. He came over to Izuku's place, work, and sometimes to parties but that was when he missed him. Recently he oftens visits him to avoid gossips. Katsuki was actually the one that caused the people to think Izuku was a gay, so he limits his visitation to him. Back then whenever he had the time he would always come to him. Nevertheless the actor didn't bother. He was a closed friend of him after all. But all of those days never came across Izuku's mind that Katsuki has feelings for him. Their friendly relationship was very intimate that sometimes others were mistaken it for something else. To Katsuki it was perfectly fine and he was secretly enjoying it.

Katsuki closes his eyes to relax in the scent of the room; the smell of Izuku. Several hours and Katsuki woke up to an empty room. He squeezed his eyes shut and brush it slightly with the side of his knuckles.

He tried standing up only to notice that a green blanket was hugging his torso and legs. He smiled. The thought of Izuku smiling while putting the blanket on him was blissful. He was so happy he couldn't contain it when the door open. Revealing a very tired green Afro. "God thank you it's finished." he muttered. "I'll be going now okay." the actor shouted letting his coworkers know that he is retiring for the night. The blonde was startled but put on an act that he was still sleeping, snoring softly.

Izuku ignored it and slumped his body on the sofa. The sofa where Katsuki was. Eventually Katsuki was on the far side of the sofa, so when Izuku fall his head was on his lap now. Katsuki blushed and slightly open one of his eyes. Peering to see the green hair already sleeping. He moved Izuku carefully out of his lap. The blanket that was on him a while ago was now on Izuku. He crouched down to meet Izuku's sleeping face.

Dirty thoughts suddenly invaded his mind as he inches more to him. He was blushing but he wanted to have a little taste of his plump glistening lips. Katsuki's heartbeat was racing, so fast like a horse is. He can't helped to be attracted to this cute boy. He was a model/actor for goodness sake and he have to admit that the boy was irresistible. He put his lips and savour the moment that their lips touch.

Before anyone walks in he stopped kissing him and fixed Izuku's body so he won't cramped.


Another day passed and Izuku was now sitting inside the meeting room. The day of their meeting had come. He was excited yet nervous at the same time. His hands were sweating cold. His feet were trembling uncontrollably. He was struggling to keep it hidden under his poker face. He breathed in and out. "Hey Izuku are you okay?" asked his manager, Shinsuo.

"Y-yes..." he stammered. Damn he couldn't hide it after all.

"Are you sure? Your trembling. Are you that nervous?" he asked worriedly.

"Hehehe... Who wouldn't become nervous? This is Shouto Todoroki we are talking about. World's most famous billionaire." he nervously chuckled. Internally biting his tongue afterwards.

"So is everyone here already? I want you guys to be comfortable in here so feel free to do whatever you want while we are waiting for others." a velvety voice suggested, making the actor stiffened in place. He knew who it was. He well know and in those past years that voice never changes. It was none other than the handsome billionaire itself. So much to Izuko's dismay he was glaring to the man that just entered the room.

"No we're fine. Let's start this so we could move on and get over it." The actor said with authority.

Shouto sits across where Izuku is. "Very impatient Mr. Midoriya. Are you in a hurry? Well let's start then." he smirked towards him.

Izuku just shrug it off. 'He's so full of himself. Stupid cheater.' The actor just thought.


A/N: Woosh I'm glad I make it today.  It was very tiring. Tomorrow will be my auditions day. Yey!!! Wish me luck guys. Oh this is dedicated to PsychopatheThePatate thank you for liking my story. Arigatou gozaimasu....

Thank you guys for reading this. I'm so so so happy. Bye

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