Chapter 6: Childhood Memories

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Ever wonder why it is good to have friends? They care for you. Love you. Motivates you. Friends are like family to us. Not just only by blood but the ties that bonds us all can be considered too.

Young Katsuki was just like any ordinary kid there is. Cheeky, sometimes mischievous, but all the times happy. Since like they were babies, Izuku and Katsuki shares things. Sometimes sleep together, play together, eat together. But most of the time they are always 'together'.

Katsuki believed that Izuku was meant for him. He always loved that toothy smile he shows whenever he's happy. It warms every people's heart including him. His eyes are like dazzling emerald gems that sparkles with happiness. His curly hair that he likes to pet and touch because of its velvety feeling. He was his world and same for Izuku.

He wanted to become his top priorities that's why he never stopped catching he's attention whenever he had a chance. Till they went to preschool. They were always teased by their classmates because of how clingy Izuku was to him. Izuku was just being an innocent sweet child doesn't matter what they say. They were always mocked and mistaken to be lovers. They were close ever since they could remember so it can't be helped. But Katsuki did, he was fed up of their accuses.

He run away from Izuku and always beat him up whenever he follows him. Inko his worriedly mother always asked Izuku but he never tell. He wasn't afraid of Katsuki. He was just protecting him. Even though he does things like that he will never stop following him.

"Kachan....." he yelled. "What you want another round hub nerd? If you weren't weak before we maybe become friends again. But not so go away from my sight or I'll kill you." Katsuki scowled him. Yet it pains him inside.

"Kachan....whatever you say or even if you beat me up again I will never leave you. I will always look up to you and follow you wherever you are. Cause we're friends and that's what friends do. Support them and always care for them." he shouted to him.

Katsuki was taken aback. His eyes widened as Izuku kneeled before him crying. The poor little boy begged for them to be friends but young Katsuki already decided long ago, when he started bullying Katsuki. His heart was as cold as an ice and it will never be thawed again. He was glad he will always follow him. That was all he need. Without words Katsuki turned his back to Izuku and walk away. He left the green haired crying, sobbing of how his only friend leave him. He wanted to comfort him but it will only weaken him. He don't want any weakness he needs to be strong.

Until Izuku stopped following him, his world almost fall apart. Ever since they went to junior high it all happened so fast. With just some flattery confessions he was swept by his feet with that half human being, if he was really a human that is.

A young handsome cool guy came to their school as a transfer student. His hetero-chromatic eyes had determination in them and Katsuki hate his guts. The new boy was like a hip-hop street boy because of his hair. It was half white and half red. The teachers never mind him because he said it was like a condition. Shouto Todoroki was just like him. His demeanor that shouts authority. His icy cold glare that can make you tremble. Instantly labeled as the campus heartthrob. Wanted by girls. Kstsuki felt he was overthrown to his position. He was the no. 1 delinquent of the school and not to mention handsome and hot. They were like contradictions to each other. Katsuki was fire and Shouto was ice.

He never thought that the only one he wants to always looked upon him would avert his eyes to the new guy. Worst they even become lovers. One thing he could never do.

That ticked him off and went to punch Shouto without any warnings. He frequently beat Izuku too. But he was kind and gentle heart always smile to him. Saying he will never leave him and continue being his friend even if he don't want to. It pissed him off so much that one night he cried and cried in his room. He was a coward for not showing his true feelings. Now Izuku had given his heart to someone else now.

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