Chapter 17: He's What?

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A week passed by and everything seems normal. Shinsuo stayed the same. Though sometimes he's caught staring at the actor. Izuku didn't mind, they are at work after all and it was Shinsuo's policy to prioritize work over feelings. 'Work professional if you want to survive this industry.' He would often quote.

When Izuku went home he was surprised to see his house sparkly clean. What's more is that Katsuki Bakugo was sleeping on his bed. He chuckled and went to the spiky blonde's side, kissing his cheeks softly.

"I thought you would never go home you stupid Deku." Izuku was startled. He didn't knew that the blonde was awake. "You meanie, why are you pretending your asleep?" he whined. Then he made that cute pouting that Katsuki couldn't help but 'aww' at the moment.

Katsuki hugged him behind back, making the actor lean into the touch. "Did you miss me?" Izuku smiled. "Are you fucking kidding me? Do you want me to prove it?" Turning Izuku to him he kissed him on the lips. Caressing Izuku's soft cheeks.


The next day Izuku went to work. Good thing he managed to win the argument with not tagging Katsuki to work, damn they still have that issue at work so it's a big no-no. Giving Katsuki a kiss on the lips would really calm the raging spiky tiger.

'I hope Katsuki is going to like my gift for him for this Christmas.' he internally chuckled. He was wearing black pants, white shirt topping it with dark green blazer, with finger less gloves, black shiny shoes, and a bowler hat, his dark green hair ruffled, giving him a more fierce aura around him. People who saw the actor stood and watched him with awe and fascination in their eyes. They couldn't help but think how handsome and charming this actor is. He was oozing with confidence and bad boy aura surrounding him, a look fit for a villainous entree.

Then he gave them a smile. Sending love struck girls into their feet. While guys couldn't help to feel jealousy. Though a certain CEO was staring him in a different way. Lustfull gazes that he hoped he could fulfill of himself. When Izuku entered the toilet to get things done, someone locked the door. Upon hearing this Izuku was astounded when he looked behind. A tall man wearing a black suite with a hat towered over him.

"You must be Izuku Midoriya? It's a pleasure to meet such a fine actor like you." he smiled eerily. Sending goosebumps to Izuku's core. As soon as he zipped his zipper the guy approached him with a handkerchief in hand. Izuku wasn't fast enough to even put up a fighting stance as the tall guy forcefully shoved the funny smelling handkerchief to his nose. He lost consciousness after some minutes. Taking out a large bag that can fit a small man inside. He gently lay down Izuku inside the bag, then zipped it up. A creepy smile was seen on his face.

When he came out he was surprised, Shouto was outside. Quickly entering as the man quickly walked away. "Izuku? Are you here? Please I need to tell you something?" He shouted. He waited a couple more seconds before he checked each door. Knocking first before he open it. When he checked the last stall and saw no one, a look of astonishment crossed his face. 'Izuku was in that bag.' He ran out of the room and searched for the man. Bumping with some coworkers and repeating himself saying 'his sorry'.

Then he reached the entrance and asked the guard. "Have you seen a tall guy in black suits and a black body bag?" he asked nervously. "No sir. Wait I'll check the back entrance." He took out a walking talkie and push a button. After a static sound a voice came out. "Have you seen a guy with black body bag? He is wearing a black suit." "Yes, though a commotion happened here awhile ago so we didn't checked what's inside." Shouto heard them well. It was thoroughly planned. He confirmed it, Izuku was really kidnapped.

He rushed out of the building and phoned a number. He sped his car off to where he will meet someone. "Hi. Hmm. Yes. I would like you to find a guy named Katsuki Bakugo. Tell him I'll meet him at the central tower. Exactly 10:30am. Tell him it's urgent and it was Shouto Todoroki. The subject is Izuku Midoriya. Yes. I'll call you later thanks. Bye." He said while driving.

After one and a half hour of driving he reached his destination. Young girls cheered and shout of how cute he is. People started to see what was actually happening. The young CEO of the Endeavor Company was at the Central Tower. Now that they see him in close up he was indeed handsome. But Shouto ignored them, only Izuku was allowed to fanboy over him. He chuckled at that thought. The odd feeling in his gut lessen. When he reached the top he immediately saw the spiky punk. "Katsuki, I need your help. Izuku was kidnapped." He said when he stood in front of Katsuki Bakugo.

"He is what?" Katsuki snapped at him. "How the fuck did you know about this. Why didn't you helped him?" The nerve in his head throbbed painfully. It was a bad idea enraging the infamous thug, Katsuki Bakugo. Glaring Shouto with his ruby red like eyes. Shouto remained calm, knowing it was pointless to argue with a thick head in front of him. "Listen I didn't notice it was him when I checked the comfort room. I swear I saw Izuku entered the room, then a guy entered next but after a couple of minutes with no one coming out I decided to come in. Thought only that guy came out with a large bag at hand......" Shouto stated so fast that Katsuki barely get him. "How do you intend to find him." Katsuki cut him off. Shouto sighed at how stupid the guy was. He couldn't believe he didn't let him finished talking.

"Well that's why I asked you for help. Only you know him better than I do. I wished I could but it's too late now. We need to find him fast and we'll start to whoever his enemies are." Shouto uttered. Katsuki nodded and gave him a wicked smile. "Well your not late. We will find Izuku and whoever did it pays the price. I'll fucking explode their heads off." he said sinisterly. Though Shouto agreed as he smiled too. "Well let's rescue the princess." They both said in unison.


A/N: I'm soooooo sorry if I uploaded it for so long. Life in our country today was so hard and the inflation in prices didn't helped too. It's hard to buy load for connection. I hope you guys like this chapter as the action will unfurls in the next update. Oh and the last three chapters, I will update them simultaneously. So wait for the grand finale as both sides will not loose at the chance for Izuku's love. Stay tuned folks.

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