Chapter 13: She's A Bad News

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Izuku was having a shoot today. It's been a day without seeing Katsuki. Boy how he missed him so much. He was dressed in a blue Hawaiian Button-up shirt and he had floral orange shorts. Summer was the theme of their pictorial and Izuku is going to work with a co-model. He heard she was a beautiful lady. However it didn't excited him since he's into guys. They are waiting for the woman to arrive when Shouto enters the studio. He had some boxes of chocolates for Izuku. He also gave the crew some treats in the process.

He took a seat near Izuku and asked him again. They were chatting like old days. Laughing and smiling carefree. The people around them seems impressed of the two. Shinsuo saw them, his grin spread widely. The sleep deprived manager thought of something naughty. He like to know what will be their reactions.

The door was opened again when two guys and two ladies enter the room. Both men were carrying items. They looked like bouncers from a strip club with bulging muscles into their fitted black shirts. While they're bald heads shines when the light hits it. Izuku slightly laugh. But he can't see who he is working to. She was wearing a hat so big it was covering her face. She was a petite, slim lady wearing a red plain dress.

Shouto was amazed. He was always expecting Izuku's smile, it was his inspiration. Making it through all the disaster that came upon him. Only Izuku's smile makes his days more brighter.

They waited for almost 30 minutes more, since the actress just arrives. Izuku was getting prepped up by his makeup artists while Shouto fidgets in his tablet. He steal glances at Izuku from time to time. Shinsuo smiled even more.

"We're ready in 15 minutes." shouts the cameraman. Izuku thanked the artists then stood up getting closer to where the car is. It was a vintage model although there were some modifications in the machine. Making the car glide smoother in places like the beach, where the sands sometimes can be a problem.

As the lady in white sunflower dress came to Izuku, he was astounded. He couldn't believe he was working with none other than Ochako, Uraraka. "Uraraka-chan long time no see. How are you? How's your career" he bombarded the artist. Uraraka was dumbfounded almost. But she quickly regained her composure as she smiled sweetly at him. "Izu-kun waaaahhh I didn't know you'll be the one I'm working with. I'm fine, how about you? Wow I was looking forward to work with you. I just didn't expect it this fast. Nice meeting you again." she beamed. "Ahhh haahahaha me too......Nice working with you too." Izuku bowed down.

"Ah your too formal no need to do that Izu-kun." Uraraka blushed hard.

Izuku scratched the back of his head, confused. It was a manly thing to do right? Shinsuo came to the cameraman and whisper something. The cameraman nodded and went to Izuku. "Take all of your buttons. Your manager wants to show off your muscles. Is he really your manager or your boyfriend?" He said in between them. Only the two of them could hear. "Eeehh!!! If he was my boyfriend he wouldn't be showing off my body. Damn he's possessive don't you know that?" Izuku defended himself while unbuttoning his shirt.

Well he had those sexy muscles so Shinsuo thought its better to show off. Making someone in the room drool over that hot sexy body. (A/N: *cough* *cough* I think I already know.) The camera guy told them to pose already. "OK. Izuku go lean in the front of the car. Slightly bent down and you Uraraka Chan lean down near him. Like you two are lovers. Drape your arm Izu towards Uraraka-chan. Get closer. There....there... A little bit left. Perfect!!!" the camera guy took a couple of pictures here and now.

Even though Shouto could see Izuku's well built frame, he couldn't help but feel jealous. The looks that woman giving to Izuku isn't a look of a friend. Something he doesn't like, seeing those lustful stares she's giving him. 'Why she got nerves to steal gazes over my Izuku's body' His mind was glazed with anger. Even though he's reaching his boiling point he didn't show it. He don't want to cause a scene. It's the actor's work after all.

Shinsuo, on the other hand, snickering silently. He couldn't contain his happiness over the mischievous act he set the two. It was very laughable. Then another idea passed over his genius mind. Something he saw in a drama were the leading man had the leading woman bent down, only supporting her weight with his arms near the waistline. While the leading woman's arm hooked upon the man's neck. The guy leans down caressing the woman's face like they were about to kiss. The ending pose for a melodramatic ballet. Shinsuo went to the camera guy once again.

"Break for 10 minutes!!!" He shouted.

Then they talk to themselves again. Shinsuo hiding his evil grin. What a mischievous manager he is.

When Izuku sat down his phone instantly ring. "Hello. Kachan?" his energetic voice reached to the blonde. "Are you free for dinner?" he asked quite irritated. It seems he's not in a good mood today and Izuku thought it might be something from his work. Well he just hope it's not something big like he's a gun for hired killer, a gangster, or a yakuza. Heck that's crazy and even unimaginable. But Izuku thought it was hot and cool. Well if you saw a sweat drenched Kachan sneaking behind an enemy with just a knife then spurted with their blood when he slashed their throats like a commando on the loose, that's so hot. Izuku shuddered in excitement.

"Hey Izuku. Are you okay? Your shivering." Shouto asked in concern. "Ah hehehe I'm fine Shouchan." Izuku nervously chuckled.

"WHAAAAAAAT??????? SHOU-CHAN?? IS THAT JERK IN THERE? IS HE BOTHERING YOU??? ILL BE RIGHT THERE IN A MINUTE." Katsuki ended the call with a loud thump. Izuku was too late to cover his ears that he space out for a couple of minutes. "Ah stupid Kachan. Does he want to make me deaf? I'll really make it up to him later!" Izuku groaned.

"Who is that? Is that the spiked punk?" Shouto asked not amazed, he already knew who it was. Izuku just rolled his eyes. The jerk got the nerve to call his boyfriend a punk. "Break time's over. Let's get this done before 2:00. Positions people." *clap* *clap

Izuku ditch the question and simply get to the car. But abruptly stopped by the cameraman. He whispered something in his ear then Izuku gave him a 'what?' look. "Your joking right? That's too embarrassing. Besides were not dating, I might look too sassy for her." he whined. "No buts Mister it's a direct order from your manager. I must say he's good in directing and this stuff." he snickered. Again it was a brilliant idea courtesy by his insane manager.

As Uraraka made her way towards him, he instantly blushed. The thought of that idea was very stupid. Uraraka flushed red as Izuku held her hand and spin her. As she was about to fall, Izuku caught her by her waist. The car was perfectly in line as their background. Then he bent her over and lean down slowly. Caressing her pink face as he moved closer. Uraraka placed her hands in Izuku's neck for support. Even though she knows she won't fall she till clung to him. Shots were take one after the other. It was magnificent. Shouto was enraged. His grip to the chair tightened as he stared at the two.

Just when their faces are inches closer. The door banged open. "What the fuck Izuku are you cheating on me?" An exasperated voice boomed out. Izuku was shocked and confused at the same time. He was about to laugh seeing that stupid look on Katsuki's face, but the room was filled with whispers and scared people. Who wouldn't get scared, seeing a madman barged into the room with a killer look would be so terrifying.

Until he saw Izuku with a lady in his arms. Katsuki instantly knew the woman was a bad news. "IZUKU!!!!" He shouted across the room. What will happen to Izuku with an enraged Katsuki on the loose?


A/N: Lol enraged Katsuki pfft... What do you think? Will it be a bloodbath or a hot bath 😏😏😏😂😂😂😂 Someone gave me an idea with my second story. It will be an assassin who falls deeply with his target on first sight. Then his gangster leader boyfriend will find a way to save him. But after I finished this story. Because playing with tons of game, taking care of my son,writing these stories, studying, and working are a lot of work. Be patient guys and I'll finished this instantly. Ideas are abundant as of now so I'm writing this as fast as I could and as many too. For now enjoy this cliffhanger bye guys and thank you for the reads.

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