Chapter 14: The Raging Kachan

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If ever possible, smokes could be shooting out from Katsuki's nose. Steam already erupting through his head and a thick nerve would be visible. Like a rabid animal, his intense stares sends shiver to everyone's spine. He was snarling at them. But his eyes only saw the green head.

"Can't you just wait outside, there are people working here." shouted by the mad camera man.

"I don't give a damn care give me Izuku or I'll blow off this place." He threatened the man.

Even though Katsuki was quite intimidating, the cameraman doesn't give a damn care. "Oooh really? Go ahead jerk." He said challenging.

Out of nowhere, Katsuki pulled a grenade out of his side pocket in his coat. The guy's color faded instantly.

Then Katsuki made his way to Izuku. Izuku gently turn Uraraka at his side. "Calm down Kachan. Okay I'm coming with you. Guys I'll be back soon so don't worry. I'm sorry too for the inconvenience caused." he said calmly. Katsuki grab his hand forcefully and drag him out of the room.

But nothing is more complicated than having an angry Shouto too. "Your hurting him." He grabbed Izuku's hand, the one Katsuki is holding. That added more fuel to the mad blonde.

"Shouchan please not now. Let's go now Kachan." Izuku pleaded. Katsuki gave him a confused look. 'This fucking Deku is actually cheating on me. In front of my fucking face.' He was like a rampaging volcano ready to explode. "WAIT DEKU!!! DID YOU AND THIS BASTARD MAKE UP ALREADY? DID YOU FORGAVE HIM?" He emphasize each words with venom. Izuku looked at him with guilt. Yes he already forgive him. But he will never do such a thing as to hurt him. Katsuki yanked Shouto's hand away from Izuku. "You fucking half n half bastard stay away from Midoriya Izuku. He's mine you asshole." He cursed like there was no tomorrow.

Then the two bolted out from the room. They rushed down the stairs in the exit door. When they reached 4th floor, Katsuki cornered Izuku to a wall.

"You shitnerd. How dare you make up to him. You told me you hate him, despises him even more. Why are you doing this to me? Am I not enough?" he scowled. Tears already escaped his eyes. He was too afraid to give up Izuku to that stupid guy. He never thought Izuku would forgive him, maybe at some point, but not after they just started dating. He was willing to risk everything for him but the feeling was too much to handle.

He felt gentle hands cupping his face. He looked up to meet two emerald orbs shining brightly at him. He wanted those gems to twinkle only for him. He wanted to be possessive but he couldn't. He doesn't want to get rid of the happiness Izuku was having.

Having him to himself would be a selfish request but he knew who is far more ahead of him when it comes to Izuku's affection. If only he didn't treat Izuku like trash before none of this would've happened. "I'm sorry if only I treat you kind before you wouldn't come to that half ass. I'm sorry Izuku. If you want I won't call you Deku again. I'm sorry please don't leave me." he begged until he couldn't form the words again. His throat was sore now. Probably from the yelling awhile ago.

Izuku lifted Kachan's head by his chin. The worried look on Izuku's face washed away his insecurities. He hoped he's not pitying him. He want it to be the look of a worried lover not just pitying him over ridiculous jealousy like this.

"Kachan I'm not cheating on you. To be honest I already forgiven Shouchan. He has his reasons and it's not that bad. Also, not calling me Deku doesn't change your bullying towards me..." Katsuki gave him a disbelief look. Like he thought he wouldn't be forgiven for all the sins he commited. Then Izuku chuckled seeing his boyfriend's cute face.

"Silly you can call me Deku anytime. It's the nickname you gave me since childhood and it means everything to me. After all I wouldn't admire you like a hero if you didn't show me the truth right. Kachan even though you bully me your always by my side, worrying about my welfare. I know your not the kind that can express your true feelings but I can feel your love for me. I love you so much boyfriend." he smiled then pulled Katsuki into a bear hug.

Katsuki break away then held Izuku's shoulders. "Wh-" Izuku didn't continue what he was saying when he was the one pulled into a deep passionate kiss. They shared one not long ago, probably one day ago. But it was hungry, longing for each other's lips. He reached for Izuku's head to deepened the kiss. Izuku hung his arms around Katsuki's neck. Savoring each other's mouth as they lick, twist, and flip their tongues. The battle for dominance long fought and Katsuki won, gaining the most precious price there is in the whole wide world, Izuku's sweet savory lips.

Amidst of their hot kissing session, a jealous individual was watching them carefully. Although the scene was turning him on, doesn't mean he's not getting hurt. It's breaks his heart apart seeing the two love birds. The pain was making him weak so he ran away from them. Away from his beloved.


A/N: Hey guys how's it going? Do you want some loving?  I can't hear y'all? Sorry for the short chapter hehehe..... I'm still waiting for the response of the voting poll. If ever no one participates I'll just stick to the plan. Sorry dude I can't just change the story. But I'll do you a favor and slip some ShinsuoXIzuku hehehehe.... Since you practically beg for it. It's not that hard ain't it? Love you lovelies. Jejejejeejejejejejeje.... Thank you guys for all the reads and comments. I was amazed with all the comments I had received. Some are amusing and some are truly motivating me. I'll update the other story I have because the fans on that one are very enthusiastic.  Hahahahaa love you all guys for the support. Damn my note is too long.

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