Chapter 11: Revelation II

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The Todoroki's mansion was filled with eerily silence. The cold ambience grew more intense as soon as the raging head of the family entered the house. "YOU DAMN CUNT. YOUR A GAY?!!!" he yelled, frustrated with the revelation. He ushered the boy in the living room. His mother, who was in the room, rushed to his side protecting him.

She was a beautiful lady indeed. She had snowy white hair and eyes that had a deep shade of ocean blue. She was a petite woman but not that fragile looking. Her pearly pink skin was as smooth as the feathers of a bird. She was a kindhearted woman too. But she couldn't escape her fate of marrying someone, arranged by her parents. She was defiant of the idea because she knew where their relationship would go to but what can she do? She's not that brave enough to go against her parents will, so she obeyed. And this. This will be her fate. Doomed and condemned.

"No Enji please don't hurt him. His your son." she pleaded. Her watery eyes are already glazed. He used the palm of his hand to swat her. With such force she flung away from him as she hits the floor with a thud. Shouto scurried towards her mother but was stopped by the sudden brute force that hits his abdomen. He hissed in pain as he curled into a ball, clutching the area where he got hit. "Don't get in the way you hag. This is the reason why this stupid son of yours is turning into a gay. You did this to him." he gave his wife a kick in her side. Shouto's mother was wincing in pain.

"STOP YOU BASTARD!!!" Shouto yelled at him. "You brat. You've got some nerve." He growled at him. Enji was stopped by his wife when she held his leg. Stopping him from injuring their son any further. "I'll give you another chance Shouto and if you dare to go against me again. I'll make that boy's life miserable. I'll promise you before he die you will see his face and as a gift for your foolishness when I cut his head off." he stormed out of the room as he kicked the woman away.

Shouto crawled to her side as he whimpers together with her. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you mom." he said crying. His sniffling got louder as his mother hugged him. "Don't worry Shouto, I will always protect you." Her mother shushed, lulling him to sleep.


One month passed and Shouto Todoroki didn't come to school ever since that tragedy. A simple prank gone wrong indeed. The blonde was very terrified to talk of what happened she didn't talk to anyone ever since. Nobody knows what happened to the heir of the Endeavor Enterprise. Until one day he was seen at the school campus walking alone. It was almost the beginning of the first period and Shouto was just about to go to his room. He was with some students and having a good conversation. When Izuku walk in front of them. Shouto didn't even looked at him. It was his first time ignoring Izuku and he don't know what to do. His eyes are starting to get glassy as he stop at the middle of the hallway. Albeit the students are looking at him like he did something weird, he didn't care anymore. He turn around and walked straight to him. Izuku grabbed Shouto's collar and yelled at him. "What happened to you? Why are you acting like that? Did I do something wrong to make you upset? Well if there was I'm sorry?" his voice started to croak. Shouto was feeling the same. Sadness. But he can't show it to him or else he would blow this up and his only beloved will not exist anymore. His eyes looked straight to him filled with no emotions yet deep within he was hurting. He wanted to unmask in front of him but he couldn't. He don't want to risk Izuku's life. With all determination, he mustered all his courage and said it to him nonchalantly.

"Were breaking up."

Those three words made impact to Izuku. He slumped down as his grip loosen around his collar. Shouto walked out and go straight to his room, which is a few rooms away from Izuku's.

Izuku's mind was devastated as well as his broken heart. It shattered into millions of pieces he don't know if it will be put back again. No. He wanted Shouto to mend it. Even if the thought is suffocating making him suffer even more.

On the other hand, at Shouto's room, he was crying restlessly. His mother is his only saving point that keeps him sane. The only motivation he had to keep living. So his mother thought of a plan. In spite of the problems his parents are going through, Enji still gives his mother privileges to come with him in some special occasions. Thus the older woman had a plan in mind.


Shouto was twenty-two by that time. So many years have been passed. He already graduated and working as the vice president of their company. Yet the disaster was just about to come.

It was an August evening when his parents came to a party. Enji had few drinks that night. Shouto's mother instructed their driver to come home early because it was Enji's orders. The poor man couldn't object nor confirm it because of his fear he might loose his job. So he went home.

When the time Enji had enough drinking he ordered his wife to take him to the care. The white hair woman drag him to the car and let him sleep down the car floor.

She take the wheel and accelerated through the road. She was breaking the limits already but she didn't care. All of this for her little baby boy. She doesn't want to see him suffer so she put their lives in her hands. She was racing as death tailed them behind.

When it came to a steep hill, she didn't turn instead she drive straight. Stomping all of her force to the gas pedal to gain more speed.

"This is goodbye my little Shouto. Live your life to the fullest and find the one you truly love. Mommy loves you and I will always watch and protect you even if I'm not with you anymore. " Shouto read while crying. Her mother left a note in his room when he returned home. It was about a couple of hours when he found out about the accident. He was falling apart. He don't know if God is provoking him, by taking away those who are precious to him.

The catastrophic night soon came out after it happened. It was all around news. Shouto knew it was his mother's fault but he kept silence. Protecting her pride even after death, Shouto loved her so much. He realized he needs to be strong to face Izuku once again. He will be dedicating this all to his mother when he successfully take Izuku Midoriya to his life again. Making all his anguish vanished by having his only one goal. He will persuade Izuku and make him fall again.


A/N: Sorry guys for the cliffhanger. The next one will be the makeup chapter although the walls are not breaking down for a few chapters. Y'all know Izuku and Katsuki already had a thing. So it will be a conflict. I'll end this in 20 chapters and I'll be making 3 endings. One for Katsuki, two for Shouto, three for the both of them. So all is well when I finished this. Damn I already started a new story and I might say it's a major hit. For all of those Riren fans out there, check out my new story. It's called 'The Alpha King' and it's an omegaverse with vampires grrr. Thank you for the adds, votes, and comments. Take care lovelies.

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